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Online & Blended Learning

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Competency Works. How to Develop a Sense of Presence in Online and F2F Courses with Social Media. Social presence is a significant predictor of course retention and final grade in the college online environment.

How to Develop a Sense of Presence in Online and F2F Courses with Social Media

Two effective interventions are recommended: establishing integrated social and learning communities;… (Liu, Gomez & Len, 2009) Presence is considered a central concept in online learning. ‘Presence’ in the online course is understood as the ability of people “to project their personal characteristics into the community, thereby presenting themselves to other participants as ‘real people’”. (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000, p. 89). One way of examining ‘presence’ online is through the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, a frequently referenced model that outlines three interdependent dimensions of presence: social, teaching and cognitive. CoI–is breaking through the social barriers that exist because of the transactional distance between students and instructors (Moore, 1993)….

Examples of how Twitter is used: 4) Instagram Closing Technology is shaping culture. Like this: "Handbook of Research on K-12 and Blended Learning (Second Edition)" by Kathryn Kennedy and Richard E. Ferdig.

Online Teaching

Creating Successful Blended-Learning Classrooms - Education Week Teacher. Creating Successful Blended-Learning Classrooms - Education Week Teacher. 15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion. Facilitating discussions between students is one of those things that is infinitely easier when you’re teaching in a physical classroom rather than online.

15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion

When the students are all in one room, discussions happen more naturally. Facilitating the same type of productive, useful discussion when teaching online is more of a challenge. The handy infographic below from Mia MacMeekin takes a look at some tips and best practices for facilitating discussions when you’re teaching online. If you teach online and have any favorite tips and tricks, leave us a message in the comments!

15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion 10 Prompts to Stimulate Conversation. 'Flexible' Classrooms: Blended Learning 2.0? - Education Week. Chapter 11. Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience. Chapter 11.

Chapter 11. Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience

Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience Andrew J. Milne Tidebreak, Inc. The Emerging Student Experience What we think of as cutting-edge learning technologies today differ significantly from just a decade ago. Student Characteristics Developing a realistic, detailed sense of the student experience is an important starting point to the design process. Classrooms are not the only form of learning space. These trends emphasize that learning is becoming more social and informal and less structured. Current Conceptions of Learning Technology Even among IT professionals, it is common to refer to technology in a general way, as if it were a specific type of system.

Virtual Technologies Online presence. Installed Appliances Media presentation systems. Mobile Devices Personal information and communication devices. The Need to Focus Design on the Student Interface. 5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers. Blended Learning | Viewpoint 5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers In the seventh installment of their monthly column, blended learning experts Michael B.

5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers

Horn and Heather Staker outline the five skills that will increasingly be important for many teachers in the future. By Michael Horn, Heather Staker10/04/12 As more schools adopt blended-learning models, the role of the teacher is shifting. Although it is hard to generalize across the landscape of blended learning because of the rapid pace of innovation in the models, the differences between the models, and the continued changes in technology, there are five common skills that teachers will likely need to be successful in a blended-learning environment. 1) Comfort with 'Chaos' One of the biggest shifts in a blended-learning environment is often that students will be engaged in different activities and working on different concepts and skills. About the Authors Heather Staker is a senior education research fellow at Innosight Institute. National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) OER Commons.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog. Virtual School Meanderings. Open High School OpenCourseWare. Michael K. Barbour. Leanna Archambault, Ph.D. - Home.