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Kiyomizudera Temple - 清水寺, Kyoto, Japan. Photo Gallery Kiyomizu-dera Temple - 清水寺 (founded 798? , rebuilt 1633 onward) Kiyomizu is an old temple of the Hosso sect of Buddhism, a relatively small sect that was established--according to legend--in 657 by the monk Dosho from China. It is said that Kiyomizu-dera (Clear Water Temple) was founded in 798 by the monk Enchin through the patronage of the warrior Tamuramaro. Legend states that Enchin dreamt of a golden stream flowing down from this mountain into the Yodogawa River. Twenty years passed, but Enchin could still not figure out how to shape the log into a proper image. Legend also says that after Tamuramaro's gift, the warrior took part in expeditions against the indigeonous inhabitants of northern Japan.

There is no way to test the veracity of the early legends concerning Kiyomizudera, for the original temple burned a number of times over the centuries. Click on any of the red arrows to view that location. Location Map Data Satellite Bibliography: Mosher, Gouverneur. Kyoto Travel: Kiyomizudera Temple. Kiyomizudera (清水寺, literally "Pure Water Temple") is one of the most celebrated temples of Japan. It was founded in 780 on the site of the Otowa Waterfall in the wooded hills east of Kyoto, and derives its name from the fall's pure waters. The temple was originally associated with the Hosso sect, one of the oldest schools within Japanese Buddhism, but formed its own Kita Hosso sect in 1965.

In 1994, the temple was added to the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. Kiyomizudera is best known for its wooden stage that juts out from its main hall, 13 meters above the hillside below. The stage affords visitors a nice view of the numerous cherry and maple trees below that erupt in a sea of color in spring and fall, as well as of the city of Kyoto in the distance. Behind Kiyomizudera's main hall stands Jishu Shrine, a shrine dedicated to the deity of love and matchmaking. The Otowa Waterfall is located at the base of Kiyomizudera's main hall. Otowa Waterfall How to get to and around Kyoto Hours. Japanische Popkultur 2: Manga. Den Begriff „Manga“ hat sicherlich jeder, der sich für Japan interessiert, bereits einmal gehört oder gelesen. Manga sind ursprünglich Comics Made in Japan.

Aber haben Sie auch schon einmal ein Manga selbst gelesen? In Japan haben sich die Auffassungen über Manga in den letzten Jahren ziemlich gewandelt. Lange vorherrschende Meinungen, Manga seien ein Bücherersatz oder nur etwas für Kinder, sind heute nicht mehr gültig. Vielmehr hat sich diese Form der japanischen Popkultur einen festen Platz als ein Genre des künstlerischen Ausdrucks sowie als Medium erobert, das gleichberechtigt neben Romanen oder dem Fernsehen existiert. Während beispielsweise in einem Roman eine Geschichte allein mit Hilfe der Schrift erzählt wird, wird dem Leser bei Manga eine Geschichte präsentiert, die aus einer Kombination von Bildern und Lautmalereien, Gedanken und der Sprache der auftretenden Figuren besteht, die sich ebenfalls der Schrift bedienen. Ende des 19. Anime und Manga in Japan - Work and Travel Japan.

In einem Kommentar habe ich eine Frage zu Anime und Manga in Japan gestellt bekommen und zwar inwiefern das hier in Japan vertreten ist und ob ich selber Mangas lese. Erst einmal, Ja – ich lese auch Mangas bzw. habe als ich jünger war viele gelesen und auch viele Animes geschaut. Auf meine Lieblinge wollte ich in naher Zukunft noch näher eingehen. Nun aber erst mal zu der Welt von Manga und Anime hier in Japan. Da man über dieses Thema sicherlich einen Roman verfassen könnte, schildere ich euch einfach meine Eindrücke und Erfahrungen dazu. Alltag mit Anime und Manga?

Im japanischen ‚every day life‘ ist der Manga eigentlich weniger stark bemerkbar. Man mag es kaum glauben aber auch hier läuft ein ganz normales Leben ab. Nun aber zurück zum Thema Manga. Manga im wahren Leben? Tags: Anime, Kultur, Manga Kategorie: Allgemein, Julies Reiseblog. Tokyo Travel: Akihabara. Akihabara (秋葉原), also called Akiba after a former local shrine, is a district in central Tokyo that is famous for its many electronics shops.

In more recent years, Akihabara has gained recognition as the center of Japan's otaku (diehard fan) culture, and many shops and establishments devoted to anime and manga are now dispersed among the electronic stores in the district. On Sundays, Chuo Dori, the main street through the district, is closed to car traffic from 13:00 to 18:00 (until 17:00 from October through March). Akihabara has been undergoing major redevelopment over the years, including the renovation and expansion of Akihabara Station and the construction of new buildings in its proximity. Among these newly opened buildings were a huge Yodobashi electronics store and the Akihabara Crossfield, a business complex with the aim of promoting Akihabara as a center for global electronics technology and trade. Side streets lined by electronics shops and maid cafes Electronics Otaku Goods.

Japanische Fremdenverkehrszentrale - Anime & Co. Cool Japan - Das junge Japan Anime, Manga, Cosplay und Videogames Die japanischen Begriffe Manga (Comics) und Anime (kurz für Animation, Zeichentrickfilme) bezeichnen in Japan selbst zwar Comics und Zeichentrickfilme im allgemeinen, haben sich im Westen aber als spezifische Begriffe der Popkultur durchgesetzt und bezeichnen hier eben auschließlich japanische Comics und Zeichentrickfilme. Schon klassische Kinderserien wie Heidi stammen aus japanischen Studios. Ungefähr seit den 1990er Jahren entwickelte sich im Westen explosionsartig eine immer größer werdende Fanbewegung.

Die Populariät japanischer Produktionen ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Natürlich gibt es für den interessierten Fan eine Reihe Möglichkeiten sein Hobby in Japan neu zu entdecken. In eigentlich allen größeren Städten bietet sich die Gelegenheit zum ausgiebigen Shopping von sogenannten "Character Goods", Fan-Artikeln zu bliebten Comics, Serien oder Videospielen. Animation in Japan Tokyo International Anime Fair. Video tour of Akihabara - Akihabara Radio Center. Travel - The big business of Japan’s pachinko parlours. On a sweltering summer’s day in Tokyo salary men on lunch duck from air-conditioned building to air-conditioned building. One common oasis from the heat (and office) is a pachinko parlour, Japan’s equivalent of a slot arcade. Related article: Mini guide to Macau, China To a gaijin (foreigner) entering a pachinko parlour for the first time, the first thing that hits you is the fog of cigarette smoke, a harsh difference from the no-smoking laws in other parts of the developed world.

Inside is uniquely Japanese. Row upon row of pachinko machines echo a cacophony of bells and cartoon voices, and the mostly male players sit rigid, watching silver balls bounce around (pachin refers to the sound of the ‘ko’, or ball), hoping they will fall down into the winning centre hole. The more balls they win, the more cash they will get. Taniguchi swapped the tray of thousands of winning silver balls for a receipt, which in turn was swappable for alcohol, toys or other prizes.

Akihabara Area Guide. Akihabara Guide Akihabara is geek central – probably the highest concentration of electronics shops and definitely the highest concentration of manga and anime figurine shops and maid cafes. Best visited on Sunday when there is a ‘hokosha tengoku’ – literally ‘pedestrian heaven’ – when the streets are closed to vehicular traffic. Want to learn more?

Then download our Ebook “A Cheapo’s Guide To Akihabara” List of places in Akihabara Articles about Akihabara June 23rd, 2015 Cafes, Eating & Drinking Tiffany Which Maid Cafe Is For You? Chris Kirkland Akihabara with Aaron Download Podcast In this podcast episode your intrepid Cheapos venture into the deepest darkest depths of Akihabara. Eating & Drinking in Akihabara January 2nd, 2016 Eating & Drinking Tiffany Keeping Warm with Nabe Aside from oden, nabe (hot pot) is another popular winter dish in Japan. Entertainment in Akihabara Shopping in Akihabara Living in Akihabara May 25th, 2014 Household, Living Getting Around in Akihabara May 12th, 2015. Welcome to Vending Machine Hell, Where You'll Be Threatened with Brutality. 8 Things to look out for when in Akihabara | InsideJapan Tours Blog. Akihabara is truly the Japan’s capital of “otaku” – often translated as ‘someone who has obsessive interests in video games, manga, anime, electronics and the like’.

There’s more manga and anime in this little district of Tokyo than exists anywhere else in the world. But whether you consider yourself a fan of such things completely misses the point; this neighborhood is a traveler’s dream because it is unlike anywhere else any of us have ever been and will ever go to. And isn’t that why we travel in the first place? In a simple stroll through “Akiba” (as it is commonly and affectionately known by most Tokyo-ites) there are more things to point out, talk about and be astonished by then would ever fit in a single blog post so instead I’ve chosen 8 things that I love about this quirky part of town. 8 Things to look out for when in Akihabara… 1) Japan has become famous for vending machines and they can now be found throughout the country. 8) Assemble your own electronics. Exploring Akihabara, Japan’s Electronic Market: NIPPONIA No. 46. NIPPONIA No. 46 September 15, 2008 Special Feature Exploring Akihabara, Japan’s Electronic Market So many big and small stores, selling so many electronic parts, computers, animé software, and other products for modern media lifestyles—it’s no wonder that Akihabara has such global appeal.

Add to all this the fantasy world of maid cafés, and you have a wonderfully unique combination. Come explore Akihabara for an electrifying experience. Photos by Miyazaki Eriko and Kono Toshihiko Map compiled in June 2008 Traditional Turkish doner kebab (beef roasted on a spit), wrapped with cabbage, tomato and onion in pita bread. The maid’s rabbit picture was “painted” with ketchup.Ketchup goes well with omu-raisu (a paper-thin omelet wrapped around seasoned rice). Canned o-den (chunks of food simmered in a broth that has been seasoned with soy sauce). Canned bread? How to Be Decora: 12 Steps. Japanese popular culture. Kawaii[edit] Kawaii is a Japanese term which means "cute" and "beautiful". Cuteness seems to be a highly valued aesthetic quality in Japanese society and particularly Japanese pop culture, and overpowering cuteness seems to carry less of the stigma of infantilization as it does in many other cultures.

Kawaii is pronounced Ka-wa-ee (not to be confused with kowai, Ko-wai, the Japanese term for "scary"). Kawaii can be used to describe animals and people, including fully grown adults; while attractive women are usually described as kawaii, young men are more likely to be described as kakkoii, Kak-ko-ee, which is "good looking" or "cool". Kawaii is also used to describe some men who are considered to have "cute" personalities. Mascots[edit] Kawaii in Japan has been a growing trend for many Japanese markets; they have been used in school all the way to large enterprises.

Japanese idols[edit] Geinōkai[edit] Manga[edit] The word Manga, when translated directly, means “whimsical drawings”. Film[edit] 29 Wonderfully Cute And Quirky Japanese Mascots. What can you say about Japan that hasn't already been said? As a nation they are obsessed with colourful characters, Manga comics & anything that's even slightly left of centre. Which goes a long way into explaining the existence of these Japanese mascots. Designed to represent national parks, suburbs, airports, TV stations, popular streets, historical landmarks and even cities themselves. Each has their own unique story and whilst they are at times incredibly cute, they're also utterly random & ridiculous in equal amounts.

Here's 29 of the best, if you want to have you photo with them or meet them in person we've included where you'll be able to find them! 1. Kasab – The mascot of Kasamatsu Park 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Japanese Mascots Set World Record For Most Dancing Mascots Which mascot stands out as your favourite? A Beginners Guide to Japanese Fashion Subcultures for Guys | Sich im Harajuku Stil kleiden. 4 Methoden:Die Anfänge des Harajuku-StilsWas wird in Harajuku getragen? Konkrete TippsSag Cheese! Der „Harajuku“-Stil entstand unter den Jugendlichen, die in den Straßen nahe der Harajuku Station in Shibuya, Japan abhingen. Zwar erlangte dieser Modestil erst durch die Sängerin Gwen Stefani internaionale Aufmerksamkeit, aber sie war definitiv nicht für dessen Anfänge oder Entwicklung verantwortlich. So wie alle Formen der „Street Fashion“ lässt sich „Harajuku“ nicht so leicht kategorisieren, da sich der Stil immer wieder verändert und sich unterschiedlich umsetzen lässt.

Es gibt kein Universalrezept, aber in diesem Artikel findest du ein paar Richtlinien für den Harajuku-Stil. Anzeige Vorgehensweise Methode 1 von 4: Die Anfänge des Harajuku-Stils Methode 2 von 4: Was wird in Harajuku getragen? Methode 3 von 4: Konkrete Tipps Methode 4 von 4: Sag Cheese! Tipps Viele Leute denken fälschlicherweise, dass man beim Harajuku-Stil einfach irgendwelche Klamotten zusammenwirft.

Warnungen. Kogal - Gyaru Wiki - Wikia. Kogal|コギャル|kogyaru}} is a subculture of conspicuous consumption among girls and young women in urban Japan Is is one of several types of so-called gyaru, or peer conscious social groupings. Kogal are characterized by flaunting their disposable income through distinctive tastes in fashion, music, and social activity. In general, the kogal "look" roughly approximates a sun-tanned California Valley Girl, and indeed, there are even some linguistic similarities between these Western groups and Kogal.

Both subcultures have derived entire sets of slang terms such as "Kogalese" コギャル語. Kogals are not to be confused with the ganguro subculture, although they are similar. Kogals are known for wearing platform boots, a miniskirt, copious amounts of make-up, hair coluoring (usually blonde or brown), artificial suntans, and designer accessories. If in school uniform, the look typically includes skirts pinned very high and loose socks (large baggy socks that go up to the knee). Media Edit. Ganguro ~Black Community in Japan - Akiba Nation. Japanese are worldly famous for their whitish skin, which they often picked into skin whitening products commercials in the Asian region. There are thousands, if not millions woman in the Asian region, who have been brainwashed by the commercial agents to follow what so called the purity of Japanese white skin. The beautiful white skin of Japanese has been a trademark globally.

On the other hand, not all Japanese people are proud with their white skin. The presence of the Ganguro (ガ ングロ~ read: gan-guro) in Japan is an undeniable proof. Ganguro is a trend of Japanese teenagers, especially girls, appeared since the 90s. Let the word means black complexion, but that doesn’t mean it is only the face that have black color of bronzed in sun. In contrast with their dark skin, the Ganguro commonly use clothes, accessories, and make up that so vibrantly colorful, beating the splendor of fireworks in the end of the year.

Ganguro itself has spawned two extremist variants, Yamanba and Manba. Hokusai in Full View Berlin 2011 | Wochi Kochi Magazine. Vortrag - Japanische Popkultur - Part 1 [HD] - Kagayaku no Kûsô. Mangakas aus Deutschland - Cosplay und Mangastil. Manga: Die Poesie des Alltags - Comics. Jugendkultur im Alltag von japanischen Schüler/innen by Dine Nett on Prezi. Die Manga-Generation | Kultur | DW.COM | 29.11.2002. Japan: Getränkeautomaten erraten Geschmack und servieren passendes Getränk | Welt. 15 Weirdest Vending Machines Ever. Die 10 skurrilsten Automaten in Japan | Automatic Point Of Sale. Big in Japan: Verkaufsautomaten in Japan - An alles ist Gedacht. Neues aus Japan - Verkaufsautomaten in Japan. Rückläufige Selbstmordrate in Japan dank Prävention. Demografie in Deutschland: Globaler Vergleich. Asia-Pacific | Baby boom sets Japan '2007 problem'

Cosplay. What Harajuku Girls Really Look Like | Style Out There. 6 Japanese Street Styles That'll Blow Your Mind. Kulturschock Japan: 7 Besonderheiten im Alltag | Inter:Culture:Capital. Besonderheiten in Japan: Mangakultur trifft Warn- und Straßenschilder | Inter:Culture:Capital. Kawaii. Kawaii.