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3 moteurs de recherche originaux. Il n’y a pas que Google dans la vie. Même si le géant de Mountain View laisse peu de place à la concurrence, il est parfois bon de quitter les grandes autoroutes pour s’intéresser aux chemins de traverse. Les petites routes parallèles réservent souvent de très bonnes surprises. Voici trois moteurs de recherche originaux rencontrés au détour de ma veille quotidienne qui méritent une visite. Libre à vous ensuite de revenir sur l’autoroute. – Million Short. Le concept de ce moteur de recherche a inspiré cet article. Million Short permet y compris d’affiner le nombre de pages populaires que vous souhaitez retirer des résultats de vos recherches. . – Qwant. Une vision globale des résultats d’une recherche intéressante. . – Photopin. Photopin est très simple à utiliser et offre pour chaque image une vignette, un lien pour prévisualiser et un autre pour télécharger l’image.

Outils Froids. UCINET 6 Social Network Analysis Software. SoNIA - Social Network Image Animator. Social Network Image Animator What is it? SoNIA is a Java-based package for visualizing dynamic or longitudinal "network" data. By dynamic, we mean that in addition to information about the relations (ties) between various entities (actors, nodes) there is also information about when these relations occur, or at least the relative order in which they occur.

Our intention for SoNIA is to read-in dynamic network information from various formats, aid the user in constructing "meaningful" layouts, and export the resulting images or "movies" of the network, along with information about the techniques and parameter settings used to construct the layouts, and some form of statistic indicating the "accuracy" or degree of distortion present in the layout. This is all somewhat ambitious, but not impossible. What else is SoNIA for? In addition, we hope that SoNIA will have other uses. Another mode of use that SoNIA supports is that of a "browser" for time-based network data.

Authors. JoSS: Journal of Social Structure. Ulrik Brandes2 Jörg Raab3 Dorothea Wagner4 Abstract: We propose a novel visualization approach that facilitates graphical exploration and communication of relative actor status in social networks. The main idea is to map, in a drawing of the entire network, actor status scores to vertical coordinates. The resulting problem of determining horizontal positions of actors and routing of connecting lines such that the overall layout is readable is algorithmically difficult, yet well-studied in the literature on graph drawing.

We outline a customized approach. The advantages of our method are illustrated in a study of policy making structures from the privatization processes of former East German industrial conglomerates, in which the visual approach led to additional findings that are unlikely to have been revealed using non-visual means of analysis. Printable versions of this article are available in g'zipped PostScript (190 KB), and PDF (670 KB). The paper is organized as follows.