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Elena Rodriguez

artist, musician, lover, friend.

All That Is Interesting - The First Zombie-Proof House. Somehow, ritual drunk-conversation concerning team captains for the apocalypse has become a major part of the lives of 20-somethings.

All That Is Interesting - The First Zombie-Proof House

Having been matured in the Grandaddy-crowned masterpiece film (put “A.M. 180” on and forget that you have a job) 28 Days Later and the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide, we’re all a little too ready to deal with the 2012 zombie apocalypse of our dreams. “The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes, starts to get eerily close to something I could work with, if say 200 bludgeoned members of the undead army came over to eat their way into borrowing some sugar. “The most essential item for our clients was acquiring the feeling of maximum security,” begins the designers’ website in the summary of the structure.

10 Inch Chrome Brass Shower Head With Faint LED Light (0698 -L-4205) For Sale.


Oddities. Interior design. Music. Fashion beauty. Kitties. Games. Art. Philosophy. Pearltrees videos. Help.