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Yorubaland. Dictionaries, Libraries, Manuscripts & Texts. An Old Soul's Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. By admin on December 5th, 2013 How It All Began – Excerpts from Chapter 1 For eons, the vast entity had tried to contemplate its own nature and discover its limits, but without success.

An Old Soul's Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything

It had reached the end of its resourcefulness. A castaway on a desert island can talk to him or herself only for so long before imagining a companion, as Tom Hank's character in the movie Castaway created the "Wilson" character based on a volleyball. So, the vast entity created quadzillions of companions within its infinite consciousness, and imagined them interacting with each other and with it, their Creator.

Life on the Soul Plane -- Excerpts from Chapter 2 A common human misperception is that the soul plane is a holding pattern for souls who are between Earth lives. Final Word As you work and play in this hologram we call reality, it's vital to remember the three Ws: 1. The God Myth -- Excerpts from Chapter 3: The Great Identity Theft The God Myth The Jesus Conspiracy -- Excerpts from Chapter 4 Goal Mode. Greece, Egypt, Sumer, Atlantis, Lemuria, Creation. Gynocentricism. State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control. Frederick Douglass - Biography - Civil Rights Activist. Famed 19th-century author and orator Frederick Douglass was an eminent human rights leader in the anti-slavery movement and the first African-American citizen to hold a high U.S. government rank.

Frederick Douglass - Biography - Civil Rights Activist

Synopsis Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland. He became one of the most famous intellectuals of his time, advising presidents and lecturing to thousands on a range of causes, including women’s rights and Irish home rule. Among Douglass’s writings are several autobiographies eloquently describing his experiences in slavery and his life after the Civil War, including the well-known work Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. He died on February 20, 1895. Life in Slavery Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born into slavery in Talbot County, Maryland, around 1818. Frederick Douglass was eventually sent to the Baltimore home of Hugh Auld.

Freedom and Abolitionism Civil War and Reconstruction Videos. Yoruba Religion. Volume 9.1: The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. Abstracts of the Collected Works of C.G.

Volume 9.1: The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

Jung The abstracts were printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office and are made available here for public use. Volume 9.1: The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious 000226 Archetypes of the collective unconscious. In: Jung, C., Collected Works of C. The concept of archetypes as the mode of expression of the collective unconscious is discussed. 000227 The concept of the collective unconscious. The definition, modes of manifestation and function of the collective unconscious are discussed. 000228 Concerning the archetypes, with special reference to the anima concept. 000229 Psychological aspects of the mother archetype. 1.

Présentation de la pensée de Wilfred Bion : la place de l’autre. La théorie de Wilfred Bion est assez fascinante.

Présentation de la pensée de Wilfred Bion : la place de l’autre

La vérité sur Christophe Colomb. Chaque année, le Colombus Day aux Etats Unis est source de discordes.

La vérité sur Christophe Colomb

Christophe Colomb était-il réellement celui que l'on imagine... ? Christophe Colomb est l’acteur majeur des grandes découvertes, colonisateur des Amériques et des Caraïbes, il est l’homme puissant des XVe et XVIe siècles. Grâce à lui, et même s’il ne l’a pas fait exprès, l’Europe a découvert un autre continent, se l’est approprié et a propulsé la civilisation du Moyen-âge, vers les Temps Modernes.

Ceci dit, l’Amérique avait déjà été découverte par les Vikings entre autres, des fouilles archéologiques ont pu déterminer leur passage sur le nouveau continent. Mais faute de « connaissances » suffisantes ou peut-être par respect pour les peuples déjà en place, ils n’ont pas "exploité" cette découverte. Fervent croyant, il était déterminé à défendre et imposer le christianisme partout où il le pouvait, en plus d'être aveuglé par l'or.

Les Arawak (indiens) l’ont accueilli de façon pacifique. Articles. La langue des maîtres et sa fabrique. Ce double mouvement d’euphémisation / hyperbolisation structure l’essentiel du commentaire politique, mais déteint aussi largement sur la parole prétendument factuelle des journalistes d’information.

La langue des maîtres et sa fabrique

Euphémismes et hyperboles L’euphémisation consiste, étymologiquement, à positiver du négatif. Dans le discours politique, elle consiste essentiellement à occulter, minimiser et relativiser une violence, et ainsi la rendre acceptable : l’armée américaine ou israélienne bombarde par exemple toute une population : c’est, nous disent les États-majors et la plupart des éditorialistes, mais aussi bien souvent les journalistes d’information, une simple « incursion », ou une « frappe » ; un policier abat un jeune homme en fuite d’une balle dans le dos : c’est une simple « bavure » et non un homicide ; la police cogne sur des manifestant-e-s : ce n’est qu’une « intervention musclée » ;

Nubia, Kerma, Kush, Meroe, Black Pharaohs. Nubia Nubia Region Today Nubia was also called - Upper & Lower Nubia, Kush, Land of Kush, Te-Nehesy, Nubadae, Napata, or the Kingdom of Meroe.

Nubia, Kerma, Kush, Meroe, Black Pharaohs

The region referred to as Lower Egypt is the northernmost portion. Upper Nubia extends south into Sudan and can be subdivided into several separate areas such as Batn El Hajar or "Belly of Rocks", the sands of the Abri-Delgo Reach, or the flat plains of the Dongola Reach. Nubia, the hottest and most arid region of the world, has caused many civilizations to be totally dependent on the Nile for existence. Historically Nubia has been a nucleus of diverse cultures. The most prosperous period of Nubian civilization was that of the kingdom of Kush, which endured from about 800 BC to about 320 AD. EGYPTOLOGY. La Connexion "Orion – Sirius – Terre" et les Pyramides. I – "Orion – Sirius – Terre" II – Orion espace mythique.

La Connexion "Orion – Sirius – Terre" et les Pyramides.