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Coverjunkie celebrates creative magazine covers - Presse.650-e1332018183664.jpg (550×1274) Leeds Alternative Comics Fair 4… poster joy…  Always a good idea to promote your shows, even better if you’re a comic show to promote your show with great art.

Leeds Alternative Comics Fair 4… poster joy… 

Leeds Alternative Comics Fair 4 happens at the end of April, and so far has comicers Steve Tillotson, Hugh Raine, John Allison, Gary Bainbridge, James ‘Couk’ Downing, Kristyna Baczynski, Adam Cadwell, Andy ‘Hexjibber’ Sykes, with more exhibitors promised soon. Here’s Steve Tillotson’s poster And Hugh Raine’s that sort of, kind of, to me anyway, has a little Philip Bond about it… Scott pondrom. Bustbright's photosets on Flickr. The Modernist Nerd: Vintage Science Ads from the 1950s and 1960s. By Maria Popova What a “honeycomb sandwich” has to do with space travel and reconnaissance systems.

The Modernist Nerd: Vintage Science Ads from the 1950s and 1960s

The intersection of science and design has many beautiful manifestations, from data visualization to nerd tattoos. But hardly does it get more delightful than in these gorgeous vintage science and technology ads from magazines in the 1950s and 1960s, bringing the modernist aesthetic to the atomic and space ages. See more on Flickr. Visual diary of Francisca Pageo. . Poster Cabaret. Philographics: Philosophy Explained With Minimalist Design. Art Project by Cirque du Soleil. White Rainbows. WTF? C. S. Neal. The work of Christopher Silas Neal is a lovely break from the chaotic mess that is the internet.

C. S. Neal

It’s not often that you come across beautiful hand drawn type, mixed with completely original illustration, so it is a really great treat for the eyes. Also interesting is that his work always has a sense of movement to it. Even his typography, which is predominantly script, seems like it’s rushing across the page. Out now: Lost in London.