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21stCentury learning

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Three Things to Unlearn About Learning. Inquiry Learning Teaching Strategies flickr:CDsessums “If you’re not feeling uncomfortable about the state of education right now, then you’re not paying attention to the pressures and challenges of technology,” said Will Richardson, a veteran educator author and consultant, at a talk at ISTE 2012. “We need to acknowledge that this is a very interesting moment, and even though in a lot of ways this isn’t what we signed up for when we went into teaching… as educators, it’s our job to figure it out.”

Seeing the balance move from a place of scarcity of information to over-abundance on the web — and the ability to “carry around the sum of human knowledge on our phones” — Richardson said educators must start thinking of schooling differently. “This abundance has the potential to be amazing, but it’s not amazing if we don’t do anything with it,” he said. “What is access to all this stuff if you don’t know what to do with it?” 1. 2. Others are doing, other classrooms and other schools. 3. Related. A Vision of 21st Century Teachers. Share Ideas that matter | Educational and Assistive Technology Consulting Services — EdTech Associates. The 21st century pedagogy teachers should be aware of.

Interpersonal learning , personalized learning, second life learning , 3d learning, collaborative learning and virtual learning , these are just some of the few buzz words you would be be reading so often in today’s educational literature. Things have changed , old methods and pedagogies are no longer relevant. The teacher-controlled learning where pre-constructed information is presented in a formal and standardized classroom settings becomes very obsolete. The urgent questions we should , as educators , ask ourselves are : what are the driving factors behind this huge transformation in learning ? And Do we need a new pedagogy to better enhance learning ? Advancements in technology and particularly social networking technologies are changing the whole educational framework . Users now can have access to information whenever and wherever they want . 20th century and 21st century teachers Here is another video to bring you even closer to this pedagogy.

Collaborative team work. Classroom 2.0 LIVE! - Home. The Elements Of A Digital Classroom. What are the components of a digital classroom? From eBooks to smartboards, iTunesU implementation to online learning, the classroom as we know it is changing. It’s true that a digital classroom is a vague idea. And subjective–one educator’s cutting edge learning laboratory is the next educator’s been there, done that. The following inforgraphic looks at some of the more common elements of a digital classroom, including: eBooksBook rental via KindleiPadsOpen Source softwareiTunesUDigital cameras, projectors, and headphones Feel free to storm the comments section below to fill in what’s missing.