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Elgg. Node JS. Page de démarrage de Mozilla Firefox. Reader Tutorial: Typography Wallpaper in Photoshop. We have accepted some tutorials from readers and we think it's really good to open the blog, so anyone can share their skills with the community. Because of that, we will start the "Reader Tutorial" series. If you have or want to write a tutorial and publish it here on Abduzeedo, just send it via email to us.

Thank you very much and enjoy our first tutorial from Jonathan Connolly. Hey guys this is Creative Volition, an advertising and design agency based out of South Florida. Here is a quick tutorial from one of our latest designs. Step 1 Create a new document at 1200 x 800 pixels with a resolution of 72dpi. Step 2 Hide all vectors and create a new text box. Step 3 Text settings: 16pt font, Regular, 16pt height spacing, Color #404040. Step 4 Continue to copy/paste the text until it fills the entire canvas. Step 5 Once the text box is filled completely with the copy begin to rotate the box clockwise in about a 45 degree angle. Step 6 Make one of the smart objects visible. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9. Iain Macarthur on Behance. Martin Schmetzer on Behance. Typostrate - the typography and design blog. Ford - And is Better on Behance. Emir Ayouni. And is Better. Let's Have A Conversation on Behance.

Oz magazine It Magazine Sixties Hippy Counter Culture. Henry Hargreaves photographie le dernier repas du condamné à mort. Henry Hargreaves n’est pas l’un de ces cuistots qui passent à la télé. Plutôt que de s’attaquer aux méfaits des cantines scolaires ou d’essayer de « pondre un crostini en un temps record », il a choisi de se faire un nom en photographiant des créations gastronomiques comme les arcs-en-ciel comestibles ou les iPad frits. Mais c’est son projet No Seconds [Pas de rabe] qui l’a fait connaître au plus grand nombre. Il y reconstituait le dernier repas de plusieurs tueurs en série dans le couloir de la mort, ce qui a donné une série de photos assez flippantes. À travers cette série, on pourra se faire une idée assez concrète de ce qui passe par la tête d’un condamné à mort. Et dans un monde où, chaque jour, on est submergés de photos aseptisées de bouffe, c’est assez amusant de tomber sur une photo de glace à la menthe avec des pépites de chocolat qui vous fasse réfléchir.

VICE : Salut Henry. Pensez-vous que ces repas sont autant de fenêtres sur la psyché des condamnés ? Je vois. Color Scheme Designer 3. Lebbeus Woods: The Architect Who Dared to Ask 'What If?' | Wired Design. He envisioned underground cities, floating buildings and an eternal space tomb for Albert Einstein worthy of the great physicist’s expansive intellect.

With such grand designs, perhaps it’s not too surprising that the late Lebbeus Woods, one of the most influential conceptual architects ever to walk the earth, had only one of his wildly imaginative designs become a permanent structure. Instead of working with construction and engineering firms, Woods dreamed up provocative creations that weren’t bound by the rules of society or even nature, according to Joseph Becker and Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher, co-curators of a new exhibit at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art titled Lebbeus Woods, Architect. “It was almost a badge of honor to never have anything built, because you were not a victim of the client,” Becker told Wired during a preview of the fascinating show, which opens Saturday and runs through June 2.

“It could be an inhabitable space,” Becker said. 20+ Tools to Create Your Own Infographics. A picture is worth a thousand words – based on this, infographics would carry hundreds of thousands of words, yet if you let a reader choose between a full-length 1000-word article and an infographic that needs a few scroll-downs, they’d probably prefer absorbing information straight from the infographic. What’s not to like?

Colored charts and illustrations deliver connections better than tables and figures and as users spend time looking back and forth the full infographic, they stay on the site longer. Plus, readers who like what they see are more likely to share visual guides more than articles. While not everyone can make infographics from scratch, there are tools available on the Web that will help you create your very own infographics.

In this article, we’re listing more than 20 such options to help you get your messages across to your readers, visually. Read Also: The Infographic Revolution: Where Do We Go From Here? What About Me? “What About Me?” Piktochart TYPOGRAPHIE. What are you working on? Qu'est-ce que le graphisme ? Ce PAG de référence a été initié par l’Inspection académique de la Haute-Marne et le Pôle graphisme de Chaumont en 2010-2011. Par le biais du sujet « Masque/Tribu », le Studio B — C amorce une sensibilisation au graphisme auprès des collégiens de l’établissement Louise Michel à Chaumont et Anne Frank à Saint Dizier, en leur faisant découvrir sa pratique, mais aussi son histoire.

Pour ce faire, les graphistes travaillent avec les collégiens sur le développement de leur aptitude à réfléchir, à concevoir en groupe, à respecter le travail de l’autre, à choisir des couleurs, un format et donc à devenir « graphiste » en s’adaptant aux contraintes données, afin de composer une affiche, représentant leur classe, groupe d’individus. Le thème « Masque/Tribu », prétexte à la pratique du graphisme, vise à concentrer ces adolescents autour d’un sujet qui leur est familier, auquel ils sont d’ores et déjà sensibilisés au quotidien, appartenant tous à des groupes sociaux propres aux adolescents. Infographics & Data Visualizations. How To Design Your Own Infographics. Introduction Infographics seem to be a real trend today, with new ones popping up daily on all sorts of subjects.

From mortgages to ice cream, estimating software to infographics about infographics, there is very little now that hasn't been 'visualised' in some form. Many people don't realise that the term information graphic, or 'infographic' was first coined over 100 years ago, with the Coxcomb chart by Florence Nightingale in 1857 being one of earliest recognised examples. They have existed in many forms since then, but only in the past few years have infographics developed into the art form we know today. However, they suit the information heavy world we live in as they give an easily understandable visual snapshot of something that may otherwise be plain text, and can help to widen the audience of a subject.

But do you have to be a graphic designer to design infographics? Best Practice Process Best Online Resources For Infographic Design Lastly... Les data en forme. Cette semaine, les journalistes de données d'Owni vous parlent de couteau suisse, de police utile, d'entrecôte-béarnaise-frites, de législatives et du côté obscur des données. Mais surtout, surtout... Ils vont vous faire chanter ! Après la faille temporelle de la semaine dernière pour cause de nouveau gouvernement à visualiser, ouvrons ce nouveau numéro des data en forme en mode “boîte à outil”. Nos collègues helvètes de ont eu la bonne idée de mettre en ligne le seul, l’unique, le véritable couteau suisse du datajournaliste. Tout comme le célèbre couteau rouge, présente non seulement des outils essentiels pour toutes celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient jouer avec les données mais ils sont présentés de manière intelligente et ergonomique.

Trois filtres permettent de trier ces outils en fonction de ce que vous cherchez à faire : cartes, graphiques ou traitement des données. Police et bonnes pratiques Mangez, buvez, visualisez ! Data Visualization. [infographie] Ukraine : la démocratie en dictature ! L’Ukraine, un bien beau pays qui est dans l’actualité en ce moment pour de bien tristes raisons… Malgré les vaillants efforts de l’opposition en Ukraine, le Parlement ukrainien a adopté une loi brutale qui dirige le pays en plein dans la dictature. Sont interdits en vertu de la nouvelle loi (sous peine d’emprisonnement) de conduire des voitures dans des colonnes qui dépassent cinq véhicules longs, de mettre en place un système sonore (émission ou réception) non déclaré, les « perturbations de masse » sont passibles de 10 à 15 ans d’emprisonnement, des informations sont collectés sur la police ou les juges, j’en passe… (l’image en grand format) Bref, comme souvent je vous invite à rester vigilant autant que possible sur vos droits, vos libertés et à rester informés tout en informant… et à militez avec vos propres moyens, si vous le pouvez!

Source Êtes-vous adepte du multitasking ? (voir l’image en grand) Et vous, êtes-vous « multitâche » ? The Discipline of Content Strategy. We, the people who make websites, have been talking for fifteen years about user experience, information architecture, content management systems, coding, metadata, visual design, user research, and all the other disciplines that facilitate our users’ abilities to find and consume content. Article Continues Below Weirdly, though, we haven’t been talking about the meat of the matter. We haven’t been talking about the content itself. Yeah, yeah. But who among us is asking the scary, important questions about content, such as “What’s the point?” As a community, we’re rather quiet on the matter of content. Do you think it’s a coincidence, then, that web content is, for the most part, crap? Dealing with content is messy. And yet, the web is content.

And that’s where content strategy comes in. What is Content Strategy? Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, and governance of useful, usable content. At its best, a content strategy defines: But wait…there’s more#section3 BUT. A List Apart. J'affiche...! L'actualité en affiche par Geoffrey Dorne. Sites web au look rétro et vintage | Design Retro. Le style rétro et vintage est un style bien présent dans le design graphique autant que sur le web. Bien qu’utilisé depuis déjà quelques années, ce style est toujours très d’actualité dans les dernières tendances web et continue d’évoluer grâce à l’utilisation des textures, des typographies et des couleurs. Voici une liste de sites web au look rétro et vintage qui sauront vous inspirer dans ce style de création très agréable à parcourir. MailChimp 5.2 Smultron Reklama-Audio Tvornica Bannera Dollar Dreadful Tommy Silky Szeto Level 2D Simple as Milk Paper Damsels The Journal of Min Tran Jan Ploch R U Hot Enuf?

Hipstery Forefathers Group Five Thirty Brew The New York Moon Cup Cup Cupcakes Bright Bulb Design Studio Bitfoundry Atticus Pet Design Studio Mom & Popcorn Amazee Labs. Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline. Fortunately, it isn’t required to go to design school in order to be a graphic designer. A good foundation in graphic design history, theory, and practical application will help you hit the ground running. There are plenty of resources available in which you can learn graphic design on your own. Don’t set your expectations to high at first, as it will take enthusiastic study for years to become great. You can do it though! If you would like to learn graphic design from the ground up, through self directed study, then this article lists some great resources that will get you started with your design education. Also, even if you do go to design school, at least three-fifths of your education will be through self directed study anyway. 1.

There are a few graphic design principles that effect every project you’ll create. Shape, Spacing, and Rhythm I remember first learning these basic design principles , and they seamed so foreign at first. What is Graphic Design? Color, Texture, and Imagery. STUDIO B ◊ C — CONTACT. Polly Morgan. COPENHAGEN TRAINS - VANDAL TACTICS / The Movie. An intense documentation of the blood red second generation S-trains which roamed through the capital of Copenhagen and her surrounding suburbs. A steel hard generation now gone.

These are the final recordings... COPENHAGEN TRAINS - VANDAL TACTICS is featuring some of the key players in the Copenhagen train scene. Live actions, heavy bombing, mind blowing color productions, top to bottom throw ups, all on those infamous red steel trains that was an object of desire for generations of writers worldwide. With recordings dating back from 1999 and to the end of the era in 2007 COPENHAGEN TRAINS - VANDAL TACTICS gives an exclusive and highly aesthetic presentation of the true train writing spirit of Copenhagen. All scenes are accompanied by an original soundtrack, composed and executed to the fullest by the Copenhagen Trains crew. The COPENHAGEN TRAINS - VANDAL TACTICS movie will be released in three versions: - A DVD with a booklet of train info and limited flicks.

Court-métrage – Meet Buck. Vous vous souvenez certainement du trailer de Meet Buck publié il y a quelques temps. Réalisé par une jolie bande d’étudiant, ce court-métrage déborde de dynamisme. Bref, c’est à voir absolument ! Synopsis : Buck est un jeune ordinaire. Enfin…si on exclut sa tête de cerf. Et aujourd’hui, Buck compte bien passer son Dimanche après-midi avec sa petite-amie qui est super contente de le voir, comme toujours. Mais quand Buck découvre que son futur beau-papa n’est pas si sympathique et tolérant que sa fille, l’après-midi va tourner au drame. Contenu relatif. YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES PRESENTS. Gestalt Psychology and webdesign. Les videos de l'été - Blu - Blog officiel de la revue HEY! - Modern Art and Pop Culture.

Les vidéos de l'été - David Lodge - Blog officiel de la revue HEY! - Modern Art and Pop Culture. Humanize Issue 19. Davor Vrankić. Every Day of My Life. Apps Every Day of My Life is a visualization of my computer usage statistics from the last 2.5 years. Each line represents one day and each colorful block is the most foreground app running at the given moment. Black areas are periods when my computer is not turned on. Seeping patterns (or lack of them) and time of holidays and travel (longer gaps) can be therefore easily identified. All data was gathered using Tapper - a small OSX app logging my application usage written by Dean McNamee. It was later visualized by me using Plask environment. The project was presented as prints at Click festival in Helsingør at the beginning of May in 2012. Keyboard hits Mouse clicks Printed version presented at Click festival Check out more photos and screenshots on Flickr.

Keep it like a secret. ▲ Graphic shapes. JCDesevre. JONATHAN LEVINE GALLERY. Keep it like a secret. Home : speakcryptic. Weightshift — A Design Studio. Visualquimia | diseño web + diseño gráfico + comunicación visual + ilustración. | Mark Boulton. » Visual Design UX Bootcamp. Visual Design UX Bootcamp with Mark Boulton An incredibly practical way to learn typography, colour and layout. Tickets on sale from midday (GMT) on 5 January 2012 and are limited to 12 participants. Optional Fireworks training: £150 + VAT Visual Design Bootcamp: £350 + VAT When?

Day One (Optional): Fireworks for Beginners Thursday, 26 April, 2012 Days Two & Three: Visual Design Bootcamp Friday & Saturday, 27-28 April, 2-12] Where: TBC (Central London, UK) Trainer Mark Boulton, Creative Director, Mark Boulton Design Mark is not only internationally recognised as one of the web’s great designers, he’s also really experienced at playing well with User Experience people in project teams and are brilliant at sharing how he think’s about the work that they do and how it supports the creation of good User Experience. How? We’re aiming to minimise the formal ‘teaching’ and spend the majority of the time working on hands on projects. The format of Visual Design Bootcamp will be: Index — Jonas Wagner's Blog. 14 Free Mac Apps for Web Designers on a Budget.


Neon Flames" by Jonas Wagner. All Is Not Lost" by OK Go and Google. Blender. Typographie. The Art of Penguin Science Fiction. Celebrating Vintage and Retro: 60 Remarkable Designs - Noupe Design Blog. 8 Faces magazine and prints. Lights. Photoshop / Gimp.