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Demographics pic. - Finding the Satisfaction of Enough. The Founder Institute: Helping Founders to Build Great Companies. The 70 best Tumblr blogs for designers | Tumblr. Whether you're a creative director on the hunt for new talent, or a dev looking for some web design inspiration, Tumblr is full of inspirational work. The micro blogging service and social network makes it mega-easy for anyone wanting to know how to start a blog. Tumblr blogs can be set up in a matter of minutes and having a Tumblr account also enables you to 'follow' other people via their Tumblr blogs. It's this ease of use, and social appeal, that's seen Tumblr serve more than 45 million sites. This is a great number for a company publishing blogs, but for users it becomes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. That's certainly the case when it comes to design-related blogs, of which there are huge numbers to choose from.

With that in mind, we've done all the hard work for you, and brought you the best Tumblr blogs for designers, covering graphic design, photography, illustration, typography and more. Inspiration 01. Design curation 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 45 free Photoshop actions to create stunning effects | Photoshop. Adobe's flagship image-editing software Photoshop has a powerful programming language built-in that allows you to record tasks as an 'action' and replay the steps to complete the task automatically. Not only can you record your own but you can also import actions, opening up a whole range of effects and time-saving options – whether you're using an older CS or have signed up to the very latest Creative Cloud version.

So to add to our collections of Photoshop plugins and Photoshop resources, here are some great Photoshop actions that are free to download and install, for photographers, graphic designers, game artists and more. You can jump to the section you want from the dropdown menu above, but you should definitely check out the entire list – who knows where inspiration will strike!

Photo filters 01. If your photos just aren't sinister enough for your liking, this free action should make things a little more unsettling. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. PsychologyBuilding Something That Your Users Will Actually Want To Buy Readability. Advertisement How do you make sure all the software products you spend time building are something that your customers will actually want to buy? It’s one thing to spend a few weeks coding your next big idea. But are you sure that you have an audience of customers that want what you’ve built? The last thing you want is to create something, invest in Adwords, only have your potential customers arrive non-plussed, and then navigate away, never to return again. Before you ever start coding, it’s essential that you “pop up” from the keyboard, and learn what your customers actually want to use and will pay for. That’s the hard part: learning what your customers want to pay for.

The cool part: There’s actually a process you can go through to 1) target a specific customer-set, and 2) learn how to design a product that will solve their problem, and 3) become close to habit-forming. Here’s an obvious example. The process is called the Desire Engine, dubbed thus by Nir Eyal. The Desire Engine Right. 5 best iPad presentation apps. Financing Not Fundraising: 5 Lies to Stop Telling Donors. Financing Not Fundraising: 5 Lies to Stop Telling Donors By Nell Edgington In part 11 of our ongoing blog series, Financing Not Fundraising, we are talking about being brutally honest with your donors. If nonprofits are going to truly break free from the vicious fundraising cycle, they must find the courage to tell funders how it really is. And since board members are a nonprofit’s closest supporters and (I hope) donors, you need to stop telling them these lies as well. If you are new to our Financing Not Fundraising blog series, the series is about how nonprofits must break out of the narrow view that traditional FUNDRAISING (individual donor appeals, events, foundation grants) will completely fund all of their activities.

If you want to learn more about how to apply the concepts of Financing Not Fundraising to your nonprofit, check out our Financing Not Fundraising Webinar Series Stop the madness. Why Use Reusable Shopping Bags. There are countless reasons why you as an every day American should start to use reusable shopping bags. We have studied article after article, paper after paper, and blog after blog. Other than the fact that makes the coolest reusable bags around, you are now on the cutting edge of a unique Grassroots movement that is sweeping the nation! It is our belief that within five years over 90% of the country will be using a reusable grocery bag! Its time to wake up and smell the coffee we say!

Here are a few of our favorite facts in regards to why we are urging you to make the very important choice to put down your paper and plastic and protect your Earth today! FACT: The largest opposition to the ban of plastic bags comes from the petroleum and plastics industries and of course, consumers that don’t want to change their habits. FACT: Effective July 1, 2010. FACT: plastic is the largest source of ocean litter. FACT: The first plastic sandwich bags were introduced in 1957. Best and Worst Reusable Shopping Bags - WSJ. Magazine - WSJ. Reusable Lunch Bags, Shopping Bags, Bottles, and More - Never forget your reuseable bags again! | The BagReMinder. How to Create a Logo. Your logo is a visual representation of everything your company stands for. Think of McDonald's golden arches or the Nike swoosh-these two impressive logos embody these companies well.

But many companies still skimp on developing this key identity piece. Ideally, your company logo enhances potential customers and partners' crucial first impression of your business. A good logo can build loyalty between your business and your customers, establish a brand identity, and provide the professional look of an established enterprise. Consider Allstate's "good hands" logo. It immediately generates a warm feeling for the company, symbolizing care and trust. With a little thought and creativity, your logo can quickly and graphically express many positive attributes of your business, too. Logo Types There are basically three kinds of logos. Getting Started Before you begin sketching or learning how to design a logo, first articulate the message you want your logo to convey. Watch Your Colors.