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Ali Ache Eme - Es buenisimo | Facebook. Landfill Harmonic- The world sends us garbage... We send back music. Three Random Guys Sing Together and Its EPIC! | BoredomBash. So it all starts with a street performer jamming outside a store. Shortly after another guy comes along and joins in, but then.. The 3rd guy tops it all off.. This dude jumps in, and he got a good voice too. Then a dude who was about to enter the store just feels this moment and joins in. Watch the awesome video And this is why they say music connects people. Él Cortó Una Delgada Parte Del Tronco De Un Arbol Y Lo Puso En Un Tocadiscos. ¿El Sonido? Inquietantemente Espectacular. Beatboxing Flute Sesame Street. Made in Tuscany. Best Drummer Ever. Nuance. 100 YEARS / STYLE / EAST LONDON.