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Proportion Calculator. QuirkTools / Online Tools for Creative People. Entrar o Regitrarse - Quizzpot.


CSS3. Efectos css jquery. Forms. Font icons. Git. Html5. Wordpress. Project management. WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Code Generator. Vector Icons Roundup - Font Awesome vs Glyphicons vs Elusive-Icons. Come creare un’applicazione PHP per Dropbox. Oggi vedremo come realizzare una semplice applicazione in PHP che ci permetta di interagire completamente con il nostro account Dropbox attraverso le API messe a disposizione dal team di sviluppo. Le API sono state progettate in modo tale che uno sviluppatore possa abilitare gli altri utenti a collegare il proprio account con l’applicazione desiderata.

Ad esempio per effettuare il backup di determinati file in modo automatico, per condividere documenti con amici o colleghi, ecc… Per chi non lo conoscesse, Dropbox è un servizio cloud gratuito di file hosting che permette l’archiviazione e la sincronizzazione remota di qualsiasi tipo di documento attraverso le applicazioni desktop, web e mobile. Per maggiori info non esitate a visitare il sito ufficiale. Per implementare la nostra applicazione faremo uso delle Core API disponibili per diversi linguaggi di programmazione e scripting tra cui appunto PHP.

Registrazione Dropbox App Installazione dell’SDK PHP Autenticazione Upload file Download file. CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu. Previously I wrote a tutorial on how to make a mobile navigation for responsive design, now I've discovered a new technique to produce a responsive menu without having to use Javascript.

It uses clean and semantic HTML5 markup. The menu can be aligned left, center or right. Unlike the previous tutorial where it is clicked to toggle, this menu toggles on hover which is more user friendly. It also has an indicator to show the active/current menu item. It works on all mobile and desktop browsers including Internet Explorer! View Demo Responsive Menu The Purpose The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how turn a regular list menu into a dropdown menu on smaller display. This trick is more useful on navigation with a lot of links like the screenshot below. Nav HTML Markup Here is the markup for the navigation. The CSS for the navigation (desktop view) is pretty straight forward, so I'm not going to get into the details. Center and Right Alignment Internet Explorer Support Responsive.

Organizar un Hangout y emitir en directo en el canal de Youtube. Cómo organizar un Hangout a través de Google Plus y emitir el vídeo en directo desde tu canal de Youtube. Este artículo, la verdad, se podría resumir en tres líneas, puesto que el proceso para realizar un Hangout es extremadamente simple, pero intentaré ofrecer algunas otras ayudas que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de nuestra experiencia emitiendo webcasts en directo. Se trata de explicar cómo se organiza un Hangout y cómo la emisión puede realizarse también a través de un canal de Youtube. Pero luego también explicaré cómo configurar la cámara activa o las personas visibles en el vídeo, además de otros asuntos de interés como realizar un Hangout con perfil de página en vez de un perfil personal de G+ y cómo agregar títulos a los Hangouts. Qué es un Hangout Si se prefiere, podemos utilizar la palabra "Quedada" en español, que es mucho más clara para los lectores. Sin embargo, Hangout ya se ha vuelto una marca de Google y lo estamos agregando rápidamente a nuestra jerga informática.

Acentos en tu Mac… Para los que venimos de Windows, la acentuación en Mac es una de esas cosas que a principio nos choca pero una vez le cogemos el piso nos acostumbramos. En Windows ya era casi automático utilizar las combinaciones de ALT+ para acentuar, o tener el teclado Keyboard-International configurado. Quise traerles este pequeño resumen para que practiquen en sus casas y comiencen a enriquecer la forma en que escriben, recuerden que “escrito defectuoso, pensamiento defectuoso” (lo cambie, lo sé) Para acentuar una vocal (aeiou, por si no se acuerdan): usa Option + E y luego la vocal que desees: á = Option + e, luego a é = Option + e, luego e í = Option + e, luego i ó = Option + e, luego o ú = Option + e, luego u Para acentuar la letra, pero en mayúscula, solo añade Shift a la ecuacion: Ej. No es fácil caundo confunden lo que escribes, especialmente cuando quieres referirte a un año, o darle énfasis a una oración con la expresión boricua coño!

Para la ñ utilizaremos: ñ = Option + n, luego n. Perfect Full Page Background Image. Learn Development at Frontend Masters This post was originally published on August 21, 2009 and is now updated as it has been entirely revised. Both original methods are removed and now replaced by four new methods. The goal here is a background image on a website that covers the entire browser window at all times. Let’s put some specifics on it: Fills entire page with image, no white spaceScales image as neededRetains image proportions (aspect ratio)Image is centered on pageDoes not cause scrollbarsAs cross-browser compatible as possibleIsn’t some fancy shenanigans like Flash Image above credited to this site.

Awesome, Easy, Progressive CSS3 Way We can do this purely through CSS thanks to the background-size property now in CSS3. Works in: Safari 3+Chrome Whatever+IE 9+Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version) View Demo CSS-Only Technique #1 Big thanks, as usual, to Doug Neiner for this alternate version. Share Button. How to Prevent Hackers from Using Bad Bots To Exploit Your Website. (Image created by the author) The Bot Bandits Are Out of Control I’ve always known that bots crawl my websites and the sites of all my fellow developers, but I was unaware that bots now make more visits than people do to most websites. Yep, they officially overtook us in 2012, and bots now dominate website visits.

Egad, it’s Star Wars run amok! Before we become alarmed, though, let’s look at a few facts that demonstrate the preponderance of bots in our midst. The bots are coming. (Image source) Incapsula’s 2013 bot traffic report states that “Bot visits are up 21% to represent 61.5% of all website traffic. " For those of you just tuning in, preponderance means “the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.” A quick look at antonyms for preponderance reveals that our plight is worse than expected. All is not lost, however. Googlebots: Our Ally in the Bot Wars (Image source) Next, Googlebots use the sitemap.xml file to discover all areas of your site. (Image source) HTML Mail - Send HTML Emails Online.

Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and most other popular email programs support HTML email (Rich Text) but neither of the programs offer you an option to compose email messages directly using HTML markup. That's where HTML Mail fits in. To get started, sign-in with your Gmail or Google Account. Then compose an email message inside the WYWIWYG editor, add the recipient's email address, add a subject and and send it to anyone with a click.

The app only requires permission to send mails through your Gmail account. Internally, the app sends emails on your behalf using the official Gmail API and thus a copy of the mail will be available in your Gmail Sent Items folder. This is not an anonymous service as we pull your email address from your Gmail account and use that as the From: email address in the header of the outgoing message. When formatting or partitioning a drive, an error occurs stating the drive cannot be dismounted or unmounted.


Wp-plugins. Wp themes. GenerateWP » User friendly tools for WordPress developers. Theme Default Headers Generator. Adding WordPress Custom Fields to Content. Custom fields add information to WordPress content. When you need more than title or body, you’re looking for custom fields. Types plugin lets you easily add custom fields to your content. Create custom fields for checkboxes, radio-groups, images, text input, drop-downs and many other field types. Types plugin is 100% free. In this tutorial, we’ll cover: 1. The standard WordPress editor includes a title and body. For example, look at this ‘project’ page: Project edit screen Besides the title and body, you’ll also notice an image and testimonial. 2. The box with these fields is called a Fields Group. To create a new Fields Group, click on Types->Custom Fields.

Custom field groups management You’ll enter the name of the group, give it a description and you can start adding fields to it. Editing a custom fields group 3. Now, it’s time to add fields to our group. All fields have these attributes: Name – the ‘human’ name of this field. Field setup example 4. Group display settings 5. Using Git with BitBucket: Basic commands – pull, add, commit, push – Library Hat. If you do coding, you will be making lots of tiny little changes to a file. You are also likely to be working on multiple computers at different locations. For documents and other types of files, we often use Dropbox or Google Drive/Docs. Tools like Dropbox and Google Drive/Docs are central repositories, and they allow you to always keep the most up-to-date version of the file, make changes to it, save it, and then access it at another computer.

Dropbox and Google Drive/Docs also supports version-control. With those tools, you can review changes and revert to the previous state of file if you would like. In this post, I will show you the very basic commands of Git and how I make changes to files, sync my local repository with the BitBucket repository, add/commit them to my local repo and push them to the remote repo in BitBucket for those who are not familiar with Git. Once you are all set, the first step I run in my repo is always status command. Git status git pull origin master.

The WordPress Gallery Shortcode: A Comprehensive Overview. If you haven't had the chance to use the WordPress Gallery Shortcode in the past, this is going to be a great starting out point for you. For others who have used it, we are going to be covering some features of the shortcode that you might not have considered yet. In this tutorial we will be covering a specific WordPress shortcode, [gallery] and the different ways to use it. Introduction WordPress has little code snippets, called shortcodes, that can be used in Posts, Pages, and Post Types. WordPress has many shortcodes, which can be added to using the shortcode API, covered here. These shortcodes, placed in the content editor area or placed in a theme file, are connected to functions that run when the content or post is loaded. Today we'll be going over the [gallery] shortcode specifically, but you can also read up on our other intro posts to shortcode usage in WordPress: Basic Usage After you upload the images you will want to press "Save all changes".

Now go ahead and press View Post. Cappuccino Web Framework - Build Desktop Class Applications in Objective-J and JavaScript.


Zurb Foundation. 10 things web developers must know to become truly amazing. Web Development Techniques. Framework grid.