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Lolkedijkstra: Creating your first LDX+ project in Eclipse. LDX+ for Java - parsing XML has never been easier. Java - Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant. PGP. Hashing Java. Introduction This page helps Java developers hash passwords safely.

Hashing Java

We rely on OWASP's Password Storage Cheat Sheet to explain hashing best practice and theory. Java Example public static byte[] hashPassword( final char[] password, final byte[] salt, final int iterations, final int keyLength ) { try { SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance( "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512" ); PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec( password, salt, iterations, keyLength ); SecretKey key = skf.generateSecret( spec ); byte[] res = key.getEncoded( ); return res; } catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } Guidance The password and salt arguments are arrays, as is the result of the hashPassword function. The example uses a Password Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2), as discussed in the Password Storage Cheat Sheet.

The salt argument should be random data and vary for each user. A keyLength of 256 is safe. Reference. Encryption - An example of encrypting an xml file in Java using bouncy castle. Comment lines by Doug Phillips: The best ideas are the simple ones. When basic is best I've always thought if you make something simple enough that everyone can use it, then everyone will.

Comment lines by Doug Phillips: The best ideas are the simple ones

This is becoming more and more apparent as we try to find innovative ways to make our lives easier with technology. In my line of work, I have responsibilities that range from application architecture design to detailed specification design to actual application development. I try to look at everything I do from a point of simplicity. To provide a robust and adequate design, some people think you have to build a complex diagram of integrated systems and multiple layers of sophisticated interlocking components or it just doesn't make sense.

When designing any product from the ground up, be it a Web application or a paper plate, the most important thing to consider is who will be using it. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Think of something that you use every day, but might take for granted: your e-mail. Back to top "Improvements" don't always make it better. Developing Applications : Developing an Eclipse plug-in from start to finish. ShowTable of Contents Introduction In this article we develop an Eclipse plug-in starting from an idea and finishing with deployment.

Developing Applications : Developing an Eclipse plug-in from start to finish

Plug-in development consists of developing the code by the "rules" of Eclipse, and so we have the obligation and privilege to use features available in the Eclipse platform. First the plug-in idea is described, including where it came from and a vision or what it should and should not be. Then we go through the development process by developing the plug-in, using Eclipse features and manual coding when necessary.

Eclipse Java

Integrating JSF and JPA. MVC architecture has become the default choice for developing web applications.

Integrating JSF and JPA

It has become a tradition to develop web applications using multi-tier architecture and hence involving one or more Frameworks. A Framework ensures faster development cycle and guarantees the usage of proven design patterns and architecture. There are various Frameworks available for each layer; be it presentation tier, business tier or persistence tier.

The architects can decide upon the choice of the frameworks for different tier based on the requirement. This article is to demonstrate how to integrate the presentation tier using JSF with the persistence tier using JPA. Introduction to Java Server Faces Request Processing Lifecycle phases in JSF Accessing Web Services from JSF applications Navigation model in JSF In this article, a scenario of generating report on employee details is considered and has been explained with the corresponding code. Step1: Spring MVC 3 Showcase. Since the big Spring 3 release last year, I've been working on a number of application development projects and extracting "showcases" of various framework features.

Spring MVC 3 Showcase

These "showcases" are not reference applications or tutorials, they're more like acceptance tests for specific framework capabilities. After seeing a showcase, you should have a good idea of what the technology can do. The first showcase I've put together is for Spring MVC 3, our web framework. It includes a sample project, along with a supporting slide presentation and screencast. Spring MVC Framework Tutorial. Spring MVC helps in building flexible and loosely coupled web applications.

Spring MVC Framework Tutorial

The Model-view-controller design pattern helps in seperating the business logic, presentation logic and navigation logic. Models are responsible for encapsulating the application data. The Views render response to the user with the help of the model object . Mastering Spring MVC. Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial. This is a short tutorial on Developing web applications with Spring from Manoj at “The Khangaonkar Report”, one of our JCG partners.

Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial

(NOTE: The original post has been slightly edited to improve readability) Spring MVC enables easy web application development with a framework based on the Model View Controller architecture (MVC) pattern. The MVC architectural pattern requires the separation of the user interface (View), the data being processed (Model) and the Controller which manages the interactions between the view and the model. Green Beans: Getting Started with Spring MVC. Spring MVC, a part of the core Spring Framework, is a mature and capable action-response style web framework, with a wide range of capabilities and options aimed at handling a variety of UI-focused and non-UI-focused web tier use cases.

Green Beans: Getting Started with Spring MVC

All this can potentially be overwhelming to the Spring MVC neophyte. I think it’s useful for this audience to show just how little work there is to get a bare Spring MVC application up and running (i.e. consider my example something akin to the world’s simplest Spring MVC application), and that’s what I’ll spend the rest of this article demonstrating. .. C++ Library for Audio and Music.