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Los 6 pasos que sigo para promocionar un post después de publicarlo (I) Cómo llegar a más fans haciendo concursos en Facebook. La respuesta directa más efectiva es : Promocionar los posteos con Facebook Ads.

Cómo llegar a más fans haciendo concursos en Facebook

Los blogs son más influyentes que las redes sociales. La semana pasada, Technorati, uno de los mayores sitios que monitorean los blogs y su influencia, lanzaron su Technorati Media Influence 2013 Informe Digital con números interesantes que muestran de qué forma gastan su dinero en línea las marcas, y cómo la gente reacciona a este esfuerzo de “branding“.

Los blogs son más influyentes que las redes sociales

Hay dos tendencias que me han llamado la atención, dos apuntes que parecen indicar un cambio en los próximos meses, que debe ser de interés para cualquier profesional de marketing en línea. En primer lugar, echar un vistazo a cómo las marcas están gastando su dinero. Este es un gráfico que muestra que el porcentaje de su presupuesto en línea va a cada sector. Como se puede observar, los blogs sólo reciben un 6% de una porción del 10% de medios de comunicación social, que es una porción muy pequeña. Facebook en comparación obtiene el 57% de ese sector. Why Facebook Graph Search Is Huge for Start-ups. I’ve been worried for a while about the so-called filter bubble--the process by which search engines tailor their results based on what they already know about you.

Why Facebook Graph Search Is Huge for Start-ups

Search used to be a window onto new worlds, but it’s becoming a mirror, merely reflecting back to us what we and our friends already know. Our peers are important, but how do you learn anything new? I’ve also been concerned about the loss of serendipitous discovery--the sheer joy we feel at a bookstore (remember those?) Or a flea market (remember those?) When we come across something new and amazing and totally unexpected, and it just makes our day. That’s why I’m excited about Facebook’s Graph Search. Facebook Goes Back to its Roots Graph Search is a return to Facebook’s earliest days and, in fact, to its very origins. Graph Search removes the blinders and filters from conscious search. Ad swaps, sell solo and buy solo mailings - Safe-Swaps. Secrets to Better (and Cheaper) Online Marketing. Is the money you spend on Google AdWords the Web equivalent of shoveling cash into a burning furnace?

Secrets to Better (and Cheaper) Online Marketing

Hubspot CEO Brian Halligan challenged Inc. 500|5000 Conference attendees to quintuple their Web traffic in the next year--all by spending less on Google Ads, email campaigns, and other traditional techniques and instead creating blog posts, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages, and participating in social media like Twitter. “We’re sick and tired of being marketed to, and we’re getting really good at blocking everything out,” Halligan told the audience Thursday. “What I want marketers to do is… match the way humans shop and learn today, instead of interrupting people.”

This year Hubspot, a marketing software company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, made the Inc. 500 for the second year straight, with $28.5 million in 2011 revenue. Over the years, consumers have become inured to Web ads, and bidding on Google Ads has become too competitive and expensive, Halligan said. Divide and con-quer.

The State Of The Internet [SLIDE DECK] ¿Por qué cierran los comercios electrónicos? - ¿Por qué cierran los comercios electrónicos? - Negocios on line - Crear una empresa. Hemos reunido los 20 errores más comunes del 'e-commerce' Si has comenzado a dar los primeros pasos con tu tienda online o estás pensando en hacerlo, añade a tu carrito los consejos de varios emprendedores que, después de equivocarse en sus primeros proyectos, han conseguido ser rentables en la Red.

¿Por qué cierran los comercios electrónicos? - ¿Por qué cierran los comercios electrónicos? - Negocios on line - Crear una empresa

Amel Fernández 30/08/2012 El comercio electrónico despidió el año pasado con un nuevo récord de facturación en España, ingresando 9.201 millones de euros, lo que supone un crecimiento del 25,70% frente a 2010 y de un 60% frente a 2009, según datos recientes de la Comisión del Mercado de Telecomunicaciones (CMT). Top 5 Marketing KPIs for Your Dashboard. Senior marketing managers tend to be extremely busy, which is why they need to set up dashboards that allow them to quickly analyze inbound marketing strategies and conversions.

Top 5 Marketing KPIs for Your Dashboard

Smart Web analytics dashboard KPIs can provide insights into the overall direction of inbound marketing efforts at just a glance. Here are five important dashboard KPIs that can provide even the most swamped marketing manager with a clear glimpse into inbound marketing campaign performance. 1. Site-Wide Organic Traffic Rather than checking rankings like a nervous stockbroker, your time is better spent checking a daily update on total organic search traffic. 2.

Your target keyword set should be treated like a stock portfolio and target diversity and growth. 3. Your inbound marketing portfolio not only includes various keyword sets, it also includes all other forms of referring sources on the Internet. 4. Adobe Social Launches To Create And Monitor Social Ads. After several months in beta testing, Adobe is launching Adobe Social, which it’s pitching as a way to connect social marketing campaigns with real business results.

Adobe Social Launches To Create And Monitor Social Ads

That was the big emphasis when the company first announced the product back in April, and when I got a demo of the current version a couple of days ago, it was the central theme again: In Adobe Social, you can track every campaign and see how it drives results product orders and revenue. “[Marketers] have point solutions that solve specific problems, but they’re not really connecting you back to the business issues,” says VP of Marketing Aseem Chandra. The product lets you get even more granular.

You can look at the influence of individual users — not just at their general influence (how many followers they have, how many retweets they received, their Klout score, and so on), but to what extent their mentions actually drove actual revenue. And it’s not just about Facebook and Twitter. Act-On’s $16M D Round From Norwest Venture Is Evidence That Online Marketing Will Be Automated. It’s funny.

Act-On’s $16M D Round From Norwest Venture Is Evidence That Online Marketing Will Be Automated

I was only the other day standing on the rooftop of a London startup’s office as we cracked jokes over beers about the ridiculous amount of money SEO and marketing agencies used to charge clients. “Yeah, I used to fly into Dell’s Dublin office one a week to tell them about SEO. We used to charge thousands!” Guffawed my interlocutor. Well, the boot is on the other foot now, and the evidence is growing. Today it’s announced it has secured $16 million in new venture financing. Raghu Raghavan, founder and CEO of Act-On says the new investment will enable them to expanding operations globally and accelerate product innovation.

Because you can pay for its on a month-to-month basis it means customers can try it out just to kick the tyres. In the last three years Act-On has grown from zero to 1,000 paying customers, and claims it grew over 300 percent in 2011. Los usuarios están cada vez más dispuestos a pagar por contenidos. Existe un supuesto en Internet que se instaló de la mano de la piratería y aún no se ha revertido del todo. Es la idea de que todo contenido disponible online debería ser gratuito. Pero lo cierto es que cualquier proyecto de producción y distribución de contenidos tiene que financiarse de alguna manera. Esto puede lograrse por medio de la publicidad, o través del pago de los usuarios. Del marketing online al Content curation mas alla de la agregacion de contenidos.