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JDK 16 Early-Access Builds. JDK 16: The new features in Java 16. Java Development Kit (JDK) 16 has reached its initial rampdown phase, meaning the feature set is now frozen, as of December 10, 2020.

JDK 16: The new features in Java 16

The new features in JDK 16 range from a second preview of sealed classes to pattern matching to concurrent thread-stack processing for garbage collection. JDK 16 will be the reference implementation of the version of standard Java set to follow JDK 15, which arrived September 15. A proposed release schedule has JDK 16 reaching a second rampdown phase on January 14, 2021, followed by release candidates arriving February 4 and February 18, 2021. The production release is slated to be published March 16, 2021.

Seventeen proposals officially target JDK 16 as of December 10, 2020. The warnings for value-based classes proposal designates the primitive wrapper classes as value-based and deprecates their constructors for removal, prompting new deprecation warnings. Early-access builds of JDK 16 for Linux, Windows, and MacOS can be found at Java 15 est sorti. Ce 15 septembre 2020 sort Java 15.

Java 15 est sorti

C’est l’occasion pour cette dépêche de revenir sur les nouveautés entre les blocs de texte et autres ramasse‑miettes. Using Java 15 with IntelliJ IDEA (2020) Pattern matching for instanceof operator. What is new in Java 15 - Java 15 reached General Availability on 15 September 2020, download Java 15 here.

What is new in Java 15 -

Java 15 features. 1. JEP 339: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) Cryptography related stuff, Java 15 implements an additional digital signature scheme using the Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) as described by RFC 8032. The EdDSA signature scheme is popular due to its improved security and performance (faster) over other signature schemes, and it is also one of the signatures schemes that are allowed in TLS 1.3.

Review the Java 15 Signature Algorithms. Example code. Further Reading: JEP 339: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) 2. This JEP introduced few new keywords, sealed, non-seal, permits to support sealed classes and interfaces. 2.1 The below sealed interface allowed three specified sub-classes to implement it. public sealed interface Command permits LoginCommand, LogoutCommand, PluginCommand{ //... } Sortie De Java 14. Oracle a publié la version 14 du langage de programmation Java et de la machine virtuelle.

Sortie De Java 14

L'ensemble des fonctionnalités est le même que celui indiqué en décembre 2019, lorsque le projet entré dans la phase rampdown. Il convient de noter en particulier l'arrivée en Preview d'une fonctionnalité linguistique majeure - les Records. InfoQ a précédemment présenté un un examen approfondi des Records par Brian Goetz. En plus des Records, Java 14 contient également quelques premières étapes vers le pattern matching - qui est destiné à devenir une caractéristique majeure au fil du temps.

Ces premières étapes consistent en un premier exemple d'un pattern (essentiellement un prédicat combiné à une liaison de variable) - le pattern instanceof. Parallèlement à cela, la version standardisée des expressions switch de Java a également été livrée. Announces Java 14. Oracle today announced the general availability of Java 14 (Oracle JDK 14).

Announces Java 14

Java 14 continues Oracle’s commitment to accelerate innovation by delivering new enhancements to enterprises and the developer community with a new feature release every six months. The latest Java Development Kit (JDK) delivers new features, including two new highly anticipated preview features – Pattern Matching for instanceof (JEP 305) and Records (JEP 359), as well as a second preview of Text Blocks (JEP 368). Additionally, the latest Java release adds Java language support for switch expressions, exposes new APIs for continuous monitoring of JDK Flight Recorder data, extends the availability of the low-latency Z Garbage Collector to macOS and Windows, and adds, in incubator modules, the packaging of self-contained Java applications and a new Foreign memory access API for safe, efficient access to memory outside of the Java heap. JDK14: Java 14 complete features (2021) The role of preview features in Java 14, Java 15, Java 16 ... Why is Java 14 not LTS?

Announcing OpenJDK for Windows 10 on ARM. Bruno Last year Microsoft announced the acquisition of jClarity to optimize Java™ workloads on Azure.

Announcing OpenJDK for Windows 10 on ARM

This kicked off the beginning of our Java Engineering Group in Microsoft’s Developer Division, helping deliver on the vision of any developer, any app, and any platform. Today, our team is excited to share that it has completed the first phase of porting OpenJDK™ for Windows 10 on Arm® (AArch64) based devices, and now we are in the process of upstreaming the initial changes to the OpenJDK project. The port, led by Monica Beckwith with support from Ludovic Henry and other engineers from the team and partners, has been submitted to the OpenJDK project in partnership with Red Hat. An Early Access binary is available via our GitHub project, and developers are welcome to download and try it. Read Monica’s message to the OpenJDK mailing list.

Microsoft has seen great enthusiasm in the market and the increased adoption of ARM64 architecture on laptops, and recently on servers. Thank you!