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Looking for some fun data? Happy International Open Data Day! To make this day even more special, we decided to share some (very important) information with you, collected from our Data Network or from our very own ODS employees. Let's not forget that open data can be as fun as it can be serious... Let's dive in! It looks like sharks are not as dangerous as you might think... Do you know how many meteorites have hit the Earth? Airbnb has exciting adventures in stock for you...

Paris is quite popular on the movie scene. This information is probably changing your whole perspective on life. Fruits are a dangerous business. What's you favorite kind of cheese? Our team is very athletic, don't you think? Source: The ODS Team, the results may have been slightly inflated We like bringing joy into the office with beautiful singing. Source: The ODS Team, closely followed by Bernard Menez’s Jolie Poupée Addiction to caffeine is a real thing... See you soon for more datadventures!

Le blog de la mission Etalab | Service du Premier Ministre chargé de l'ouverture des données publiques et du développement de la plateforme française OpenData. Open Data Protocol (OData) SDK for Objective C (iPhone-Mac) – Download. Yesterday at MIX10, The Interop team at Microsoft presented about how Open Data Protocol (OData) can contribute to a more programmable web through demos consuming a Netflix OData feed in various scenarios. They also announced a series of new and updated OData SDKs for PHP, Java, Objective C (iPhone & Mac,) and JavaScript (AJAX and Palm WebOS). The SDKs can be found on the website!

OData enables data integration across a broad range of clients, servers, services, and tools. OData builds on a few conventions, popularized by AtomPub, to using REST-based data services. These services allow resources, identified using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and defined in an abstract data model, to be read and edited by web clients using simple HTTP messages. For more details, consult the protocol documentation on the OData site where you will also find a list of services and products that are already using OData. Download the OData SDK for Objective C (iPhone-Mac) here. JSON Format | OData - The Protocol for REST APIs.

Developer. Handistrict : de l'open data pour faciliter l'accessibilité. Fév42013 Les lecteurs d' nous sollicitent souvent par l'intermédiaire du formulaire de contact : "soumettre votre actualité". Nous n'avons pas la possibilité de traiter toutes les informations, qui sont souvent à caractère publicitaire, mais voici quelques initiatives intéressantes signalées dernièrement. En numéro un, je note l'apparition de qui référence de façon complète sur l’ensemble du territoire français les lieux disposant d’offres adaptées aux personnes en situation de handicap. Qu’il s’agisse de lieux touristiques tels que : hébergements (hôtels, chambres d’hôtes, gîtes…), sites culturels (musées, monuments, théâtres…) lieux de loisirs (piscines, zoo, bases de loisirs), restaurants ou Offices de Tourisme, ils ont tous, à l’échelle nationale, la possibilité d’être présentés sur Une initative citoyenne qui me semble très complémentaire à la dynamique "Destination pour tous".

Cet article vous a plu? L'Open Data - Le blog de l'association GOALL. - La ville accessible à tous. Île-de-France. SNCF Open Data. Opendata France | Le mouvement opendata en france. Plateforme opendata de la RATP. Accueil - OPEN DATA (FR) Open Data Paris.