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S Arnold FFA. Fwd: BaanTu 2.0 Tips & Tricks. Who You Aren't - Human Design System Class. Human Design Planet – Infinite Shift. “This is the potential in each of us that lies there that waits for expression.

Human Design Planet – Infinite Shift

Instead, what do we get? We get the disease of the open centers, we get the disease of conditioning, and we get all these human beings trying to live out what they’re not, trying to be secure, trying to save themselves, and fucked up in their minds.” Ra Uru Hu For many years I have been psychically attuned to energetics.

At one point in my past, I conducted psychic healing treatments for people and could see the energy centers, colors and cause of illnesses manifesting in those centers, impacting their health. When Human Design came into my life, it made sense when I saw the interpretation of illnesses according to the Centers and the organs and glands associated with those Centers. After so many years of this psychic awareness, it is evident that all disease does come from the dysfunction of how the mind controls the life and creates disturbances for the body, through the open Centers.

Kashi Stone 2014. Human Design Services - Clarity & Direction about your life's dilemmas. Heart (Ego) Center by J.

Human Design Services - Clarity & Direction about your life's dilemmas

R. Richmond (8 minutes and13 seconds) | mp3 stream – Randy discusses the quality of the defined Heart center Splenic Center by J. R. . – Randy discusses the Splenic gates of fear and the open or undefined Splenic center Root Center by J. Human.Design. Free Gifts Download Page.

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Untitled. Human.Design. Human Design Canada. Personal Life Coaching and Human Energy Design from South Carolina's Rebel Belle, Tuck Self. How to Read Your Profile – Gene Keys Teachings. Human Design: Were We Coded at Birth? Imagine a system that explains how you were built, and how to best respond to the world—like a combination between astrology and Myers-Briggs.

Human Design: Were We Coded at Birth?

It’s called Human Design, and its creation story is one for the ages: In short, Ra Uru Hu (née Alan Krakower), a former advertising executive and magazine publisher, had an eight-day visitation in the ’80s with a “Voice,” who dictated a mechanical system that’s literally a four-hundred-page textbook for how we all work, as defined by our time and place of birth. While it sounds nuts, when you actually generate your chart, you may be surprised by how much it sounds like you. While it’s easy to get a periphery understanding from Ra Uru Hu’s official site (it’s run by his family, as he passed away in 2011), you can also load up the talking Bodygraph here, or book a reading with a certified analyst.

Beyond Human Design - Learn how to transform your life with author Eleanor hapel-Portner, PhD, as she simplifies the concepts of astrology, human design, kabbalah, chakras, I-ching, consciousness using therapy, coaching, los angeles. Human.Design. Human Design Intro for Projectors. Love Your Human Design. Introduction to the Human Design System. Crystals and the Magnetic MonopoleHuman Design was revealed to Ra by “The Voice”, which spoke to him for 8 consecutive days and nights in January of 1987, coincidently during the super nova of the star 1987A.

Introduction to the Human Design System

At that time, The Voice gave to Ra the Human Design System in its entirety. Basic to Human Design, is the information that humans are endowed with a Design Crystal and a Personality Crystal. Now although they are not actual crystals, it the term used to best explain this concept. These crystals are actually minute fragments from the beginnings of our universe, hypothetically fragments of dark matter. When the two masses came together in what the scientists call the Big Bang, and what Human Design calls the conception of our universe, these fragments became the seeds of all form in the universe – stars, planets, plants, animals, humans. The individual Design Crystal is united with the Magnetic Monopole at conception in a human embryo.

Noble Sciences - Introduction Multidimensional Calendar. Created By: Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D.

Noble Sciences - Introduction Multidimensional Calendar

Introduction to Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis™ “No man ever steps into the same river twice, For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis™ gives you answers to: What makes you react to certain things in certain ways. Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis™ , i.e., the Multidimensional Human Design System (MHDS), pinpoints how a person functions according to their energy flow based on a synthesis of scientific and esoteric knowledge. For many years as a clinical psychologist (License #: Psy5297) and master coach, I worked with individuals who wanted to be the most they could be. Living with Feeling: A Field Guide to the Solar Plexus. Living with feeling can be a dilemma for all of us—for those who have the defined Solar Plexus as a part of their design, and for those with an open Solar Plexus.

Living with Feeling: A Field Guide to the Solar Plexus

I’m an emotional being. When I met Human Design, I had spent years trying to change who I was, trying to improve myself, to be a more likeable person. My mind told me that what I had to do, above all, was to stop being so emotional. At that time, I had no real sense of my emotional wave. I had a lot of reasons for what I thought I was feeling, but I wasn’t actually feeling my changing emotions. In the past 18 years of experimenting with Human Design, I’ve found a few field notes helpful for the defined Solar Plexus person, and those who choose to live with them. For the defined Solar Plexus Person: 1. Jovianarchive.leadpages. Living Library – Gene Keys Teachings. Free Resources – Gene Keys Teachings. Unified Life Sciences - Education. Professional Education | General Education | Journal | The Basics | Transcripts | Integrative Approaches | Transits | Early Work | Other Authors | Free Downloads | Contact Us Education & Journals Unified Life Sciences works collaboratively with other design professionals to expand foundational knowledge of all Design aspects embracing the breadth and depth of its information.

Unified Life Sciences - Education

The essays presented integrate many of the synthesized elements encompassed in Design. They are based on the scientific research and clinical application as well as being creative applications of the material. Education Professional Education and Concerns Unified Life Sciences educates individuals interested in utilizing Design in their own life process as well as in the care and health of themselves, their family, and/or their clients/patients. Current work is generally priced to cover cost of production; we offer the materials in electronic form where possible to be most cost effective to everyone.

Unified Life Sciences - Education. Professional Education | General Education | Journal | The Basics | Transcripts | Integrative Approaches | Transits | Early Work | Other Authors | Free Downloads | Contact Us Education & Journals Unified Life Sciences works collaboratively with other design professionals to expand foundational knowledge of all Design aspects embracing the breadth and depth of its information.

Unified Life Sciences - Education

The essays presented integrate many of the synthesized elements encompassed in Design. They are based on the scientific research and clinical application as well as being creative applications of the material. Welcome to Unified Life Sciences. About Unified Life Sciences | Statement of Purpose | Multidimensional Design | Who We Are | What We Do | Contact Us Images: Human Design Mandala | Sleep Design Mandala | Angelic Design Mandala | Biology Design Mandala | Multilayer Map | Body Graph | Splenic Center Receive your Free Multidimensional Human Design System Charts, an introduction, and a short free coaching/consultation session with Dr.

Welcome to Unified Life Sciences

Eleanor Haspel-Portner, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (Psy 5297) and Master Coach. Eleanor scientifically and clinically validated the Noble Sciences™ Multidimensional Sacred Synthesis Program on over 40,000 cases. Send your Name, email address, birth month, day, year, time, and place by email to: or call Eleanor at: (310) 230-7787 with your information. Introduction to the Human Design System. WHAT CAN HUMAN DESIGN DO FOR YOU?

Introduction to the Human Design System

Human Design is a science of self-discovery. From your personal Human Design chart you can gain enormous insights into your own unique nature: your health, your psychology, your vulnerabilities and limitations as well as your talents, strengths, and gifts. It's practical application carries an immense potential for betterment and fulfillment of the life of each individual. The Profile Series. Login Create Account Discover Your Design. Live Your Life. Create Free Account Free Media Library Media Audios: The Profile Series. Human Design System Profiles. In Human Design, there are twelve possible Profiles. A brief description of these is given in the table below. Your Profile gives a general description of your direction in life. Your Profile is identified by a pair of numbers like "1/3" or "6/2". These numbers come from lines in the hexagrams of the gates defined by your conscious and unconscious Suns.

New SunWare - Free Human Design Chart. Jovian Archive. Free Gifts Download Page. Connect. IHDS - International Human Design School. Click on any Audio or Video listed below to play it. Signatures: Click now to play Generator Signature This audio is also available as a download on the Public Downloads page. Manifestor Signature. Gene Keys/Human Design. IHDS - International Human Design School. Human Design for Us All. Discover Your Design - #4 - Reaching Fulfillment.

In 1781 something new happened—it’s called the Projector, and by now there are a lot of Projectors. We live in a world where Projectors are truly on the ascendancy, they are about 1/5 of humanity. And Projectors, being non-energy types, need an advantage in this life. The world is dominated by energy Types (Generators and Manifestor represent more than 75% of humanity), and in order for the Projector to be able to compensate they need to have a mastery. It is what they are here for, Projectors are here to be masters. They are designed to recognize, and when they recognize they become recognized, and they get the success that is part of their nature.

This is so important for a Projector to understand, that the one thing that matters is to find something it can master. It truly doesn't matter what it is. Projectors are here to recognize, they are here to study and to master. What you can do as a Projector is not accept anything less than an invitation.