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No te quedes ahí... el bullying no es cosa de juego

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Basta_toolkit_directores_administradores. Decálogo por la ciberconvivencia positiva y contra la violencia digital. What Neuroscience Reveals About Bullying by Educators. We would never let a teacher or coach physically strike or sexually molest our child.

What Neuroscience Reveals About Bullying by Educators

Why then do we allow teachers and coaches to bully our children? There are three major reasons why this occurs: Sexual and physical abuse can be documented on the body and are in the criminal code. The law takes them seriously, therefore so do parents. In contrast, emotional abuse is not in the criminal code, so it can still be confused with "motivation" -- especially in the education system. How and Why It Happens Adding to years of psychological and psychiatric research, current studies by neuroscientists confirm that emotional abuse harms in serious ways. Most, if not all, of this neuroscientific research examines peer bullying: child-to-child on the playground or adult-to-adult in the workplace. But it's not that simple. Resources to Fight Bullying and Harassment at School. Each October, individuals and organizations nationwide work together to raise awareness of bullying during National Bullying Prevention Month, an initiative of the PACER Center.

Resources to Fight Bullying and Harassment at School

Whether you are an educator, education leader, parent, or other community member, you can take action to prevent bullying and harassment by fostering a culture of caring and respect in your school, home, and community. Use the resources below to support your efforts. In addition, consider participating in Edutopia's community to share your own insights and resources about bullying prevention. Resources for Educators Take a look at the infographic "Bullying: What You Need to Know," courtesy of, a U.S. government website, for information about some of the statistics behind bullying and impacts on children.

The resources from address detection, preventive strategies, and effective responses. Measuring Students’ Self-Control: A ‘Marshmallow Test’ for the Digital Age. SAMHSA’s KnowBullying Prevention App. Research shows that parents and caregivers who spend at least 15 minutes a day talking with their child can build the foundation for a strong relationship and help prevent bullying.

SAMHSA’s KnowBullying Prevention App

The time you spend will help boost your children’s confidence and build effective strategies for facing bullying—whether children are being bullied, engaging in bullying, or witnessing bullying. Take a few minutes and “check in,” by asking about school, their friends, and any challenges they face. KnowBullying has simple conversation starters to begin a discussion with your child.

App Features Conversation Starters: Start easy, meaningful conversations with your children. Put the power to prevent bullying in your hand. Anti-Bullying Campaign Tools for Teachers. Monica Lewinsky's Brilliant TED Talk Takes On the Internet's "Culture of Humiliation" For most millennials, Monica Lewinsky first entered our consciousness as a punchline.

Monica Lewinsky's Brilliant TED Talk Takes On the Internet's "Culture of Humiliation"

"The president is going down faster than a 21-year-old intern trying to jazz up her resume," said Don Imus. "Monica Lewinsky told this month's Cosmo magazine that if it weren't for Bill Clinton, she would be a mom now, with two kids. Really? Not the way she was doing it," quipped Jay Leno, who dedicated 454 jokes to Lewinsky over the course of his tenure on The Tonight Show. "Now we hear that Monica has sued the president for $1,000,002.50," began one of the David Letterman's hundreds of jokes about a blue dress. Nearly two decades since she became a household name for what 20/20 called "the affair that nearly toppled the president," Lewinsky has again reentered the public conversation. "At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss," Lewinsky begins. The public reaction was swift, brutal and, frequently, sexist.

Anti-Bullying Alliance. Revista de Paz y Conflictos. Por Percy Calderón Concha.

Revista de Paz y Conflictos

Descargar artículo en fomato PDF / Download article in PDF format Resumen. Bullying - Stop It. El bullying. BULLYING / ACOSO ESCOLAR.

Violencia Escolar

"MÁS ALLÁ DE LOS SUEÑOS...": "Trabajo Sobre el Bullying o Acoso Escolar" Untitled. Cuestionario sobre intimidación y maltrato entre iguales en las aulas. Cuestionario sobre intimidación y maltrato entre iguales en las aulas. Definición del Bullying Bullying (Acoso Escolar) ¿Qué es el Bullying?

Definición del Bullying Bullying (Acoso Escolar)

El Bullying es una manifestación de un acoso que suele ser grupal y todas las intervenciones diseñadas tienen en común el apoyo incondicional a la persona, niño o adolescente en este caso, víctima de violencia de sus iguales. El primer autor que definió este fenómeno fue Dan Olweus: “Un alumno es agredido o se convierte en víctima cuando está expuesto, de forma repetida y durante un tiempo, a acciones negativas que lleva a cabo otro alumno o varios de ellos.”

De esta definición se desprenden tres características: Existe un desequilibrio (abuso) de poder. Hay una repetición de los incidentes a lo largo del tiempo. Hay intencionalidad por parte del agresor o agresores. Prevención del Bullying Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Prevención del Bullying En la familia La familia es la principal fuente de amor y educación de los niños; a partir de ella el niño aprende a socializarse basado en lo valores, normas y comportamientos enseñados en casa; evitemos que nuestro hogar se convierta en un escenario hostil, o por el contrario, demasiado permisivo, tenga por seguro que esto siempre llevará a que los niños adquieran conductas agresivas.

Prevención del Bullying Bullying (Acoso Escolar)

Actividades de capacitacion y reflexion para docentes: dile NO al bullying. Por Mariana Scott, Educadora UC.

Actividades de capacitacion y reflexion para docentes: dile NO al bullying