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GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! Mapping Tools. GeoCommons. Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free! Playback The site does not work in Internet Explorer The site will not work with Internet Explorer versions before IE9. Please upgrade to use the site. (We recommend Chrome for best performance; the site has also been tested in Firefox and Safari). The map is too slow / too fast The person that created the map set up the default speed, but you can speed it up using the slow down and speed up buttons in the toolbar.

I want to control the map while it is being played back. You can do that - click on the second button which looks like an 'X'. Creating Maps How do I get started? We recommend taking a look at the basic tutorial - it will get you started quite quickly. What are public vs private maps? Public maps will be searchable using the search function within animaps and can also be returned by normal Google searches.

What are locked vs unlocked maps? This has to do with whether the time period that you have specified is set in stone or not. What does turning on the advanced settings do? Videos. Scribble Maps : Draw On Maps and Make Them Easily. Historypin | Home. :: maps for the masses. WorldMap.