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Teaching Blogs

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Biology-Marengo. Mrs. E's Biology Site. For the love of learning. Your place for transformative science education resources. Helene Matte on Twitter: "@ddmeyer Thoughts on what makes a good lesson good in a session today w Dr Chris Suurtamm - Univ. of Horizontal Transfer. Dealing with the fear of being a boring teacher.

Compelled tribe

Hack Education Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2014. Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2014: #Fail Part 10 in my Top 10 Trends of 2014 series 2015 will mark the 25th anniversary of the first one-to-one laptop program.

Hack Education Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2014

In 1990, the Methodist Ladies’ College in Melbourne, Australia gave all its students in Years 5 through 12 a computer. 2015 will mark the 35th anniversary of the publication of Seymour Papert’s Mindstorms. It’ll be the 15th anniversary of Maine Governor Angus King’s proposal to give a laptop to every middle school student and teacher in the state.

I’m not sure how the ed-tech industry will celebrate. It’s neither. The Great LAUSD iPad Fiasco It’s pretty incredible that after decades of one-to-one computing initiatives, schools can still get things so very, very wrong. Big Picture - Personalized Learning One Student at a Time - an innovative education alternative. ScienceFix - Science Fix. Ms. Vasquez's Science Class - Home. Getting Grades out of the Way. Patrick Henry Winston “What was class average?”

Getting Grades out of the Way

I feel like I have been asked a 1,000 times, and I confess, each time it makes me cringe. It tells me the student is fixated on evaluation, not on the material. It tells me the student is competing with other students, rather than aspiring for a level of knowledge. It tells me the student thinks we grade on a curve, which is prohibited by a sensible MIT rule. In the fall of 2006, just after yet another student in 6.034, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, asked the class-average question, we of the staff decided that we had had enough, and that it was time to start over in a search for a better way of certifying skills. We should find a way to deemphasize grades so as to make room for big ideas We should test understanding, not speed and general intelligence We should not care whether a student demonstrates understanding early in the semester, or late, as long as the student demonstrates understanding.

Dy/dan. Reflections on the dynamics of teaching. Dealing with the fear of being a boring teacher. Always Formative. Standards-Based Grading. Here's a short list of my most-hated student questions: 1) Is this going to be graded?

Standards-Based Grading

2) How much will this bring up/down my grade? 3) What can I do to bring up my grade? 4) Do I get points for trying? 5) Will I get extra credit for doing this? Do you notice a theme? When I made the decision to try to make this shift with my students from an emphasis on grades to one on knowledge, I have to admit, I was ready for the worst. I decided to no longer show students their grades on minor assignments like classwork, entrance tickets, exit tickets, etc. When I handed back their first assignment without a grade I was ready. But then this strange thing happened... Next assignment: same thing. What It's Like on the Inside.

Favorite Blog Posts

What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? - Mr. Solarz' ePortfolio. A Biology and Science teaching resource that includes worksheets,tests, quizzes, labs, games and even detailed lesson plans. Teaching Biology. Educator. Leader. Learner. Kinard Science 8. Because they won't just drink the water. More than a blogroll. I’m going to try to go a bit beyond the typical blogroll and put together a list of blogs and recommended posts that I think are good examples of that blogger’s insight and perspective on teaching.

More than a blogroll

This list is a work in progress, and will take me some time to compile. But I’m going to try to commit to adding one blogger per day. Physics Teachers Frank Noschese: Action-Reaction,Nochese180 (@fnoschese) Frank is the glue that connects so many physics teachers on the internet. The $2 Interactive Whiteboard: When SMART’s stockprice tanks as users decide these $2000 devices aren’t worth it, you’ll know Frank’s post is what started it all. Brian Frank: Teach Brian Teach (@brianwfrank) Brian just completed a postdoc in Physics Education Research at the University of Maine and is now headed off Middle Tennessee State University.

For Colleagues. This page exists to point colleagues who may show up here to some of the more “teacher-specific” resources that I have created.

For Colleagues

Use any/all as you see fit. Notes: Resources for use in class are available at the Posterboard links below each subject on the sidebar.If you find any materials on the site useful, perhaps you might think about filling out the google forms listed below. Your contributions will take almost no time, and help all of your colleagues.If you have anything that you think would be useful if it were posted here, email me and we can set it up. The above link will take you to my AP Biology Google Doc Collection.