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Extra Unique Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - PSD Vault. QBrushes - Quality Brushes for Photoshop. [CG Textures] - Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop! 50 Stunning Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials. Photoshop’s text and layer tools can be used to create some really awesome effects. We’ve put together a list of 60 of the best tutorials we could find to help you stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques. You’ll find some really cool grunge and glass styles (plus a few surprises!) And learn how some of the best designers create their unique effects. Courtesy: LemonDesign1 Instead of listing 100 plus tutorials that you’ll bookmark never to come back, we’ve decided to take you through the basics of typography, hopefully inspiring and then teaching you.

You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Introduction to Typography Link Typography is the art of arranging type, designing type, and modifying type glyphs. Here are some resources to give you further insight: The Wisest Mind Has Something Yet to Learn Link And we, too, never stop being inspired, learning and creating: How to Choose the Right Type Link Guess if you can, choose if you dare. Resources to Live by Link. 26 tutoriais de efeitos tipográficos no photoshop | Lado Design. Image Border with Hover - Free PSD Web Design Templates. Speckyboy Design Magazine - Web Design, Development and Graphic Design Resources. Design Templates, Photoshop Brushes, and Stock Vectors | GraphicRiver.