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Ancient history of Reptilians and Demons Full Documentary. God, The Universe and Everything Else. This is a very, very old film/conversation. It was made in 1988. Anyhow I thought it would be good to have it here. In a studio setting, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (who joins them via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life. God, the Universe and Everything Else is an educational colloquium, attempting to uncover a grand unified theory of the laws that govern the universe.

This enlightening program delves deep into topics such as the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, black holes, extraterrestrial life and the origins of creativity. Stephen Hawking is a British theoretical physicist who has dedicated much of his life to probing the laws of time and space described by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Carl Sagan was an American astronomer who played a major role in the development of the American space program, as well as his contributions to planetary science. Arthur C. Is Seeing Believing? Horizon explores the strange and wonderful world of illusions - and reveals the tricks they play on our senses and why they fool us. We show how easy it is to trick your sense of taste by changing the colors of food and drink, explain how what you see can change what you hear, and see just how unreliable our sense of color can be. But all this trickery has a serious purpose. It's helping scientists to create a new understanding of how our senses work - not as individual senses, but connected together.

It holds the intriguing possibility that one sense could be mapped into another. This is what happened to Daniel Kish, who lost his sight as a child. He is now able to create a vision of the world by clicking his tongue which allows him to echolocate like a bat. And in a series of MRI scans, scientists are now looking to find out if Daniel's brain may have actually rewired itself enabling him to use sound to create a visual image of the world. This documentary is available for preview only. The Search for Life: The Drake Equation. For many years our place in the universe was the subject of theologians and philosophers, not scientists, but in 1960 one man changed all that. Dr Frank Drake was one of the leading lights in the new science of radio astronomy when he did something that was not only revolutionary, but could have cost him his career.

Working at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Greenback in Virginia, he pointed one of their new 25-meter radio telescopes at a star called Tau Ceti twelve light years from earth, hoping for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Although project Ozma resulted in silence, it did result in one of the most seminal equations in the history of science - the Drake Equation - which examined seven key elements necessary for ET intelligence to exist, from the formation of stars to the likely length a given intelligent civilization may survive.

However, in the 50 years of listening that has followed, not one single bleep has been heard from ET. The Illuminated Chakras | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online. We Are The Aliens | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online. Broadcast 14 November 2006. Clouds of alien life forms are sweeping through outer space and infecting planets with life – it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. The idea that life on Earth came from another planet has been around as a modern scientific theory since the 1960s when it was proposed by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. At the time they were ridiculed for their idea – known as panspermia. But now, with growing evidence, it’s back in vogue and even being studied by NASA. We meet the scientists on a mission to get to the bottom of the beginnings of life on Earth – from the team in Texas who are lovingly building a robotic submarine called DEPTHX to explore a moon of Jupiter, to Southern India where they are investigating a mysterious red rain which fell for two months in 2001.

According to local scientist Godfrey Louis, the rain contains biological cells unlike any he had seen before – with no DNA and the ability to replicate at 300°C. National Geographic – Extreme Universe – Is Anyone Out There? | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online. Paranormal: Seeing Is Believing | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online. Secrets of the Occult. Secrets of the Occult explores the world of the occult from the ancient and modern magicians who practice it to the cutting edge scientists attempting to explain its mysterious claims. This program highlights the advances that have been achieved by innovators who challenged established reality like Newton, Galileo, Carl Jung and Einstein. The claims of the occult magicians are put under the microscope to reveal the fascinating interface between ancient Egyptian and Greek beliefs to modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world.

The Magicians & The Scientists Secrets of the Occult DVD Extras explores the fascinating interface between occult beliefs and modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world. Experts speak on a range of topics from the function of magic to the beginning of mysticism. The Magicians The Scientists. Secrets of The Occult: The Magicians | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online.

Secrets of the Occult explores the world of the occult from the ancient and modern magicians who practice it to the cutting edge scientists attempting to explain its mysterious claims. This program highlights the advances that have been achieved by innovators who challenged established reality like Newton, Galileo, Carl Jung and Einstein. The claims of the occult magicians are put under the microscope to reveal the fascinating interface between ancient Egyptian and Greek beliefs to modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world.

The Magicians & The Scientists Secrets of the Occult DVD Extras explores the fascinating interface between occult beliefs and modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world. Experts speak on a range of topics from the function of magic to the beginning of mysticism. The Day before Disclosure. A documentary about the UFO/Extra Terrestrial presence on earth. Evidence gathered the last 60 years, from all over the globe, and in numbers by hundred thousands, point to the undeniable fact that we are not alone and never have been alone. The Extra Terrestrial presence in our world is no longer a question of IF, but rather a question of WHO, WHY and FROM WHERE. Air pilots, astronauts, radar personnel, flight controllers, military officials, security personnel and thousands upon thousands of eyewitnesses confirm that the ET and UFO phenomena are real.

A look upon remains from our ancient history tells the same. But the Greatest Story in Human History is still keep a secret by those in power. Watch the full documentary now. Mysterious World: Search for Ancient Technology. Born on April 14th, 1935, in Zofingen, Switzerland, Erich von Daniken was educated at the College St-Michel in Fribourg, where already as a student he occupied his time with the study of the ancient holy writings. While managing director of a Swiss 5-Star Hotel, he wrote his first book, Chariots of the Gods, which was an immediate bestseller in the United States, Germany, and later in 38 other countries.

In the United States, Erich von Daniken won instant fame as a result of the television special "In Search of Ancient Astronauts," based upon his first book. In 1993, the German television station SAT-1 started a twenty-five part TV series with and by Erich von Daniken, entitled "Auf den Spuren der All-Machtigen" (Pathways of the Gods). In 1996, the American TV company ABC/Kane produced a one-hour special, filmed all over the world, entitled Chariots of the Gods - The Mysteries Continue. This film was broadcast on the ABC network on September 26th 1996. Watch the full documentary now. Because I Dare - Watch the Documentary Film for Free | Watch Free Documentaries Online. That’s Impossible: Eternal Life. Is it possible to achieve eternal life? Some believe the first children who will live to the age of 1,000 have already been born.

To find out how close humanity is to defeating death, we'll investigate plans to grow replacement body parts in labs, microscopic robots that could wipe out deadly diseases, and the possibility that aging itself can be reversed by taking a page out of one of history's darkest legends. Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey has famously stated, "The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today …whether they realize it or not, barring accidents and suicide, most people now 40 years or younger can expect to live for centuries. " Perhaps de Gray is way too optimistic, but plenty of others have joined the search for a virtual fountain of youth. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - ) The Amber Time Machine. Mysterious Origins of Man. This documentary presents ancient artifacts that contradict the official historical perspective that mankind has advanced scientifically since the beginning of human history.

It’s not necessarily a deliberate conspiracy in the sense that some people getting together in a smoke filled room and saying "we’re going to deceive people". It’s something that happens automatically within the scientific community. So when a given piece of evidence disagrees with the predominant theory, then automatically people won’t talk about it, they won’t report it and that means that science fails to progress in the way that one would hope. Although a lot of the evidence in this presentation has been highly debated and disproved, there is some evidence that is very difficult to dispute. Watch the full documentary now.