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Diverse Children's Books

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Best Multicultural Books for Children (451 books) Diversity Book Lists. 20 empowering children's books that celebrate diversity and social justice. We are living in a renaissance of psychedelic research, no doubt about it…particularly when it comes to medical treatment. Psilocybin and MDMA are being used to alleviate depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Ayahuasca retreats continue to become more popular as healing centers. Even my go-to yoga spot now offers a “Microdose Flow Night.” What a time to be alive. And yet, as plant medicine makes its way back into the mainstream of our modern world, traditional spiritual wisdom often seems to get lost, even dismissed, from the conversation. But what if there were a way to blend new and old ways of thinking? Psychedelics, psychedelics and religion, gtuxAll images courtesy of GTUx Graduate Theological Union (GTU) is a world leader in the study of religion and theology. GTUx recently launched “Psychedelics and Religion”—a first-of-its-kind online program that explores the inherent (but often overlooked) relationship between spirituality and science in hallucinogens.

Dr. We Need Diverse Books – The 2018 Ultimate List of Diverse Children's Books - Here Wee Read. What books are you and your kids looking forward to reading in the year ahead? Most of the books listed here are recommended either for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary readers since my children fall within those groups and so do the little readers in my core target audience. However, I’ve also included a few middle grade and young adult books for slightly older readers to enjoy as well. The best part is most of these books are available for pre-order now so you can get a head start on your shopping.

Rest assured, I’ve selected what I think will be the “best of the best” in terms of diverse books. I’m definitely looking forward to sharing most (if not all) of these books with my little readers. Note: ** Since other countries have different release dates, some of these books may be released earlier or later internationally than the months I have listed January 2018 Champion: The Story of Muhammad Ali by Jim Haskins Black Girl Magic: A Poem by Mahogany L. Be a King: Dr. 15 Great Childrens Books That Celebrate Diversity. We can talk to students about respecting each other’s differences until we’re blue in the face, but sometimes, it takes a good story for them to truly get the message.

That’s why fourth-grade teacher Stephanie recently wrote into the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE! Asking for book suggestions for her students. “I’m looking for children’s books about celebrating differences, accepting others, being friendly to those who are different, and focusing on good things like that,” she writes. “Any ideas or suggestions?” Stephanie, we’ve got you covered. “Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes.” “Queen Rania’s The Sandwich Swap.” “Each Kindness, by Jacqueline Woodson.” “Junkyard Wonders, by Patricia Polacco.” “Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun; Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon; and Hooway for Wodney Wat.” “Wonder, by R.J. “Salina Yoon’s Be a Friend. “The Story of Ruby Bridges.” “I love Todd Parr books. “The Name Jar is a good story.”

“I Like Myself! “How about Pink and Say? “Sneetches, by Dr. “Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Children's Books That Teach Diversity Are More Important Than Ever. If we had to narrow down concerns about our new presidential administration to just one, for must of us it would probably be the fact that our new president is attempting to close American borders and single out whole groups of people he views as a threat. He's setting a dangerous example for the people of the United States, and now — more than ever — it's up to us to teach our children the importance of tolerance and diversity.

You probably already know that your kids are watching everything you do, for better or for worse. And as a result, the worldview that you present to them at a young age is going to stick with them well into adulthood. Reading to kids about different cultures, races and even gender identities can open their minds — and their hearts. Sometimes these conversations are hard to have, but these captivating children's books make it much easier to start introducing diversity at home. 1. Pin 2. More: Don't Effing Ask Me 'How Much My Kid Cost' 3. 4. 5. 6.

12 Diverse Children's Books Written by #Ownvoices Authors - The Barefoot Mommy. It’s no secret that I think diverse children’s books should make up a big part of every family and classroom library. You probably agree if you’re reading this. But, have you ever asked yourself who is writing and illustrating these diverse books? Young adult sci-fi and fantasy author Corinne Duyvis certainly has.

She started a much-watched discussion on Twitter last year about that fact that so many diverse children’s books were written by people who do not share the diverse identity of their characters. The hashtag #ownvoices was born to identify books that are not only diverse, but that are also written by diverse authors. Update (5/9/18): In my original post, I recommended the book Thunder Boy Jr. by Sherman Alexie. I have deleted that part of the post because of sexual misconduct allegations.

Why does #ownvoices matter for diverse children’s books? There are many diverse children’s books on my 5 year old’s shelf that are not by #ownvoices authors. Looking for Bongo by Eric Velasquez. The Diversity Gap in Children’s Book Publishing, 2018. In February, the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) released its statistics on the number of children’s books by and about people of color published in 2017. In 2016, we witnessed a substantial increase in the number of diverse books being published.

Diversity remains an ever-evolving topic in publishing when it comes to books as well as the diversity among the authors and illustrators creating them. So what has changed since last year? The number is steadily increasing… Starting in 2014, the number of diverse books being published increased substantially. And in 2016, the number jumped to 28%. This year shows that number is steadily increasing, hitting 31% – now the highest year on record since 1994. But still… Even as the number of diverse books increases substantially, the number of books written by people of color still has not kept pace.

Like last year and many of the years before, the majority of books (diverse or not) are still written by white authors. So What Happens Now? New Diverse Children's Books That Actually Reflect The Lives Of NYC Kids: Gothamist. (Courtesy Candlewick Press) For many families, diversity is one of the biggest advantages to living in New York. Sure, the schools are crowded, and you have to carry a stroller up and down subway steps—but as soon as you walk outside, your kids get to interact with many different kinds of people every day. But our urban microcosm isn’t always reflected in the picture books we read to our children. Yes, there’s the classic The Snowy Day, which takes place in Brooklyn, but that was published in 1963.

Only about a quarter of children’s books published in the US last year featured black, Latinx, and Native American characters. If you’re looking for picture books that feature disabilities or LGBT families, that percentage is much lower (how much lower, though, no one seems to know). The reason why those numbers are so dismal is complicated. Happily, there are some good books with non-white characters out there that take place in our city. (Courtesy Dial Books for Young Readers) Children's Books by and About People of Color. Documented by the Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Questions about this information? Contact CCBC Director Kathleen T. Horning) Last updated: March 19, 2019 History In 1985, then-CCBC Director Ginny Moore Kruse was serving as a member of the Coretta Scott King Award Committee, and we were appalled to learn that, of the approximately 2,500 trade books that were published in 1985, only 18 were created by African Americans, and thus eligible for the Coretta Scott King Award.

Beginning in 1994 we began also keeping track of the numbers of books we were receiving by Asian/Pacific and Asian/Pacific American, First/Native Nation and Latinx book creators as well. The charts documenting our annual statistics can be found below. What We Receive The CCBC receives most, but not all, of the trade books published annually in the United States by large corporate publishers. We do not include reprints of previously issued books in our count. Diverse children's books need more visibility - USA TODAY. Victoria Cepeda knows what she wants in children’s books. She looks for titles that reflect her 4-year-old son’s cultural roots as well as his potential aspirations. She seeks stories that promote education and achievement, with characters who mirror his Latino heritage. Pretty simple stipulations. Amazingly difficult to find. Although nearly one-fourth of students enrolled in U.S. public schools are Latino and more than 70 percent of Hispanic preschoolers are read to by relatives multiple times a week, only a small percentage of children’s and young adult books are written by or for Latinos.

Of the 3,400 books received by the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education in 2015, only 58 were written by Hispanic authors and 82 were about Latino characters. Most large-trade publishers in the U.S. send copies of their new books to the CCBC, an organization that tracks the race of authors and characters in children’s books. Making children's books more diverse: what you can do | Children's books.

Here’s a little challenge for you when you are next in a library. It might be your school or college library, or perhaps a public library or maybe even a bookshop. Anyhow, just pluck ten children’s books from the shelves – at random. Now let’s see what you’ve got. We’re willing to bet that the majority of the leading characters in the books in front of you are white (unless you chose from the picture book section – in which case they may well be rabbits or bears!). So what’s wrong with that? Secondly, do children really only want to read about other children who are like them, anyway? And there’s another problem: if you leave out all those thousands of people who happen to use a wheelchair or have two mums or are from a traveller community, are you not also indirectly saying something about what society considers normal or acceptable? The problem isn’t simply that there just aren’t enough books out there which do feature such characters. So come on, are you in?

Since you’re here… How Diverse Is Children's Literature? This Infographic Tells The Disturbing Truth. You hear about it so often these days that you just might wonder: How diverse is children's literature, really? The numbers have been improving slowly, but they remain far from true representation. Now, a new, shareable infographic has the numbers you need to talk about diversity in kidlit, and — admittedly — the outlook is pretty grim. Since 1985, the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) has compiled data on diversity in children's book publishing. For the first few years, the CCBC concerned itself only with those books that were written or illustrated by black authors. In 1994, researchers "began also keeping track of the numbers of books by Asian/Pacific and Asian/Pacific American, First/Native Nation and Latino book creators," as well as those books written about people of color by authors of any race.

Although the numbers have changed in the years since Kügler first published her illustration, it has remained in use. In response to St. Children's Literature | ADL. How to Choose Outstanding Multicultural Books. How do you know if a children's book you're about to share with your students accurately portrays the culture of its characters? Are there warning signs to look for? Are there telltale things that mark an outstanding multicultural book? To answer these questions, Scholastic Teacher magazine invited five children's literature specialists to give us their candid advice on selecting books about or related to Native Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Jews, and Asian Americans. Within each section of this article, you'll find: Reviews of ten great children's books suitable for grades K–8Essential advice from a children's author or illustrator: Joseph Bruchac, Gary Soto, Floyd Cooper, Patricia Polacco, Yumi HeoKey criteria to use when selecting booksA list of notable authorsAnd more!

Our experts also helped us compile an extensive list of other multicultural resources for teachers and their classrooms. Native Americans: Let Our Words Be Heard By Peggy K. 10 Great Children's Books Keep in Mind. The World Of Children’s Books Is Still Very White. Spike Lee and Toni Morrison are two of my students’ favorite authors. Of course, their inclusion on our syllabus is not without controversy. For instance, Morrison’s beloved “Peeny Butter Fudge,” a collaboration with her son Slade, includes a recipe on the last page, and my students really want to make it. While there are no peanut allergies in my class this year, the recipe is much too sugary. My students are 4 and 5 years old, and finding excellent books for them featuring people of color, kids with two dads, kids with no dad, or girls who slay dragons is a persistent challenge. Like many educators, I find myself returning to a handful of treasured titles, including “Peeny Butter Fudge” and Lee’s “Please, Baby, Please.”

Annual statistics from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center bear out what I know from visits to my local library. Since the center began tracking data in 1985, it has found underrepresentation of people of color both as authors and characters.