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Brown Butter Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cookies. Little bit of a mouthful there. But it’s like a cookie on top of another cookie! Yeah. Like total dirty cookie on cookie action. Except these ones down below wanted to try a few different positions. I dunno… they’re all mixed up. In order to solve a common I-want-a-chocolate-CHOCOLATE-cookie-but-he-wants-a-plain-chocolate chip-cookie dilemma that happens like, every single weekend here… I made both.

Some of them smashed up against each other while others sat on top of each other but in the end, they all tasted… fantabulous. And then they tasted extra delicious after I spent two hours cleaning out the contents of our bar (take that as you will), after he spent three hours organizing the pantry (that was weird) and after we both needed to severely eat our emotions immediately post-Boardwalk Empire finale. WHAT was that. ??????? Why??? Then I tried to dunk a cookie in milk and failed. I need cookie dunking lessons, a redo on season 2 (thanks HBO), and a salad. [from giant rainbow cookies] Easy Broccoli Side Dish. Yummly | The best site for recipes, recommendations, food and cooking.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough + Cupcake = The BEST Cupcake. Ever. Dead good spaghetti carbonara recipe. Kaytucky Chicken. I have a really fun recipe for you! And easy, too. It’s hardly any work; the oven does the work for you, but it’s a really fun and tasty way to serve chicken for a change.

Serve with an Avocado & Fennel Salad, lots of skillet baked potatoes and a little Green Peppercorn Sauce, but that’s mainly because I’m seriously addicted to how the sauce tastes on potatoes. This was absolutely delicious! Directions: 4 chicken fillets 4 frozen puff pastry sheets 4 oz cream cheese (the firm kind) few rashes of bacon flat-leaf parsley 1 spring onion 1 large egg pepper salt This is what we call ontbijtspek here.

I’ve also chopped a spring onion with my cute orange baby Santoku. And I’ve finely chopped a small handful of flat-leaf parsley. Add the spring onions, parsley, crumbled up bacon and a good pinch of pepper to 4 oz firm cream cheese; I’ve opted for low-fat cream cheese. Mix it all up. Make a fairly deep cut in each chicken fillet. Until I ended up with puff pastry looking like this. Kay’s Recipe Card.