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Computer. Htaccess. Wii. CSS Hacks pour IE7 et autres versions. Dealing with browser inconsistencies often makes up a majority of the work for a web designer.

CSS Hacks pour IE7 et autres versions

Sometimes there is no reasonable way to accomplish a desired layout in all major web browsers without the use of some special exception rules for certain layout engines. Hacks necessarily lead to potential complications and should be avoided whenever possible, but when the circumstances require hacks to be used, it's best to know what your options are and weigh the consequences appropriately. The purpose of this article is to describe some of the CSS hacks, also called CSS filters, with the least significant potential consequences. In-CSS hacks Up One of the drawbacks of conditional comments is that they require changes to the HTML source. Easy selectors Most in-CSS hacks deal with selector bugs. IE 6 and below * html {} IE 7 and below *:first-child+html {} * html {} IE 7 only *:first-child+html {} IE 7 and modern browsers only html>body {} Modern browsers only (not IE 7) Recent Opera versions 9 and below.

Box Model Hack - css-discuss. From CSS Discuss A Css Hack .

Box Model Hack - css-discuss

Why does the CSS box model need a hack? According to the W3C, an assigned 'width' (and 'height') of a box refers to the 'content area' of a box only. The padding, borders, and margins are then added to this value to arrive at the total box width. If the 'width' property is omitted, the total box width is the same as the 'content area' of the surrounding container element. When viewed in a 'standards' browser the dimension from border edge to border edge will be '140px'. (100+10+10+10+10=140) Because IE5.x puts all these values inside the 'width', the border edge to border edge dimension will be '100px'. Note: For technical reasons it sometimes would be desirable to employ the old IE box model. Enter the 'box model hack'. The Hacks Box-in-a-box The name says it all. It looks like this if you are using two divs: If used while you have two nestled elements anyway, then the only negative effect of this solution (a single extra div in the HTML) is a non-issue.

See. Steampunk Keyboard Mod. My goal with this project was to build a retro keyboard that was fully functional and of a sufficient quality that it could be used everyday by a touch typist.

Steampunk Keyboard Mod

In order to achieve this I chose a high quality (though widely available) keyboard as my starting point. This is an IBM Model M "Clicky" keyboard. They were made starting in the mid 1980's and a version is still manufactured today. This particular keyboard was made in 1989 and shipped with and IBM PowerStation 530, a UNIX box the size of a kegerator. Besides its overall quality and heft, one of the things that makes this keyboard particularly good for such a mod is the fact that it has removable key caps and the under-cap has a flat surface ideal for affixing a new key top. Step one was disassembly and the removal of the skirts on the key caps. Here is a short movie demonstration the process of removing the skirts from the key caps. Next came the process of cutting and shaping the brass.

The shapes were then cut out on a band saw.