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9 Normal Things That Look Trippy Under a Microscope. Whoa.

9 Normal Things That Look Trippy Under a Microscope

So deep down, every pina colada is like staring at peacock feathers after dropping, like, all the acid. We're surprised we've never pissed out Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat after overindulging on these. Quietest place on Earth mutes all sounds, messes with your head. Is Our Childrens Learning? 6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers.

If the insane, explosive popularity if superhero movies is any indication, we are fascinated by people who are insanely better than us at any given thing.

6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers

Probably because, in real life, we're all such a bunch of incompetent boobs that we've been enslaved by blue paint, flashing lights and crying French babies. But it turns out, superpowers are real.