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THINSPIRATION. Corporation: Providing a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. Health, Wellness, Nature, Opportunity. NATURAL HEALTH. 6 Natural Allergy Remedies Breathe easier with these natural, medically proven allergy treatments, including immunity-boosting foods and plant-based healers. 12 Strategies to Strengthen Your Immune System From sleep habits to socializing to choosing the right foods, find out how you can give your immune system a natural boost.


Herbal Skin Care Basics: Tools, Ingredients, Recipes Discover the best natural ingredients for concocting your own herbal skin care products, and try these easy, refreshing recipes for Rose Water, Bay Rum Aftershave and Astringent, and Sea Salt Body Scrub. 10 Easy and Useful Flowers These special plants provide beauty, fragrance, food, medicine and more. Wabi-Sabi: Finding the Beauty and Peace in Ordinary Things Revering modest living and authentic, useful objects, the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi can help you discover the sacred in the everyday and the beauty in imperfection. Natural health news. Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and Off the Mat - Namaste. Easy To Print Facial Yoga Exercises. As you age, the natural layer of fat under your facial skin diminishes.

Easy To Print Facial Yoga Exercises

The skin begins to sag as facial muscles lose their tone. Just as the body's muscles require exercise, the muscles in your face need toning, too. Facial workouts have the same effect on your face as crunches have on your abs, observes Dr. Michelle Yagoda, Plastic Surgeon. Facial yoga exercises improve circulation and allow more oxygen and nutrients to reach facial skin cells.