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Strenne: i consigli di lettura dei giovani scrittori italiani - Rai Letteratura - 1. I RAGAZZI CHE NON RIDONO una poesia. Io le chiamo le persone “delicate”. - Citazioni Famose & Curiosità. Share: Sono quelle persone che si avvicinano agli altri senza invadere il loro spazio.

Io le chiamo le persone “delicate”. - Citazioni Famose & Curiosità

Che hanno voglia di ascoltare ma non impongono alcuna domanda. Che non proiettano ogni discorso su se stesse, ma mettono tutte se stesse in ogni discorso. Smartphone, i magnifici dieci del 2014. La scuola che non sa scrivere. 9 Bed and Breakfast per week end romanticissimi - Quando l'amore non ha voce: tutti i disegni del cuore in un corto - Video D Repubblica. Instant video upload. My Educational Technology Blog: A Place of Resources and Tools for Educators. Reblogged from Edutopia Formative Assessment Socrative: My all-time favorite app for formative assessment runs on everything.

My Educational Technology Blog: A Place of Resources and Tools for Educators

It cut my time teaching binary numbers from five to three days just because I didn’t move forward until everyone “got it.”Google Forms: Yes, you can create self-grading Google Forms for this.Kaizena: This tool integrates with just about any platform and was listed on my 15 Best Google Add-Ons. It really helps you provide rock-solid, multisensory feedback on student work. Screencasting and Capturing What Happens in Class. Come trasformare un telefonino in videoproiettore. In periodi di spending review, riuscire a trasformare un telefonino in un videoproiettore con meno di 4 dollari credo sia il massimo!

Come trasformare un telefonino in videoproiettore

In effetti per riuscire nell'impresa servono cartoncino nero, una scatola delle scarpe, nastro isolante nero, una lente d'ingrandimento e un graffetta. Tutte le istruzioni per il montaggio le trovate in, con ampio corredo fotografico per mostrare come posizionare il telefonino all'interno della scatola e come mettere a fuoco le immagini. Un'altra dimostrazione simile la trovate in Photojojo. Lsr.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Filsaggiolibro. If you like writing.

The second-person narrator, though not very common, is present in literature and media.

if you like writing

For example, the posts I publish in this site are directed at you, dear reader, and this is why I resort to the second-person narrator. This type of narrator is also typical of the epistolary form; in fact, many novels contain letters or emails the characters send to each other. Nevertheless, the addressee of the second-person narrations I want to analyze in this post is not a character, but the reader himself (or herself). For instance, in Italo Calvino’s If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, the second-person narrator acts as the master in a role-playing game, trying to get the reader to identify with the main character.

A much more recent example is Paul Auster’s Winter Journal. Login?gateway=true& A New Way to Introduce the Color Wheel. I recently took a graduate class titled “Supports for English Language Learners.”

A New Way to Introduce the Color Wheel

In this class I learned various strategies to use when teaching English Language Leaner’s. I was also reminded of the importance of incorporating vocabulary and visual aids in my lesson plans. I found most of the strategies I learned from this class can be incorporated into any classroom to benefit all students, not just my ELL students. For the classroom — everything just so.