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Doctor Who

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Photo by knitspirit. Doctor Who - Cast & Crew Special. Shirt.Woot. The Great Whodini. ‘Doctor Who’: Ten of the Doctor’s Most Memorable Catchphrases. The Girl Who Waited: Why I Hate Amy Pond. For a long time, despite urging from the various nerds in my life, I didn’t bother to get into the new Doctor Who.

(I still have never watched the original series.) But about a year ago, my partner and I moved to a new state so I could go to grad school. Bereft of our former social life, we spent a lot of time snuggling on the couch watching TV, and we got a Netflix subscription, as you do, and then it turned out that the whole run of new Who was available streaming, and things took their natural course.

We burned through the first five seasons in time to start watching season 6 in real time this spring. Also, as we do when we really like a show, we gave it a nickname that is far longer than the actual title—in our house we usually refer to it as “What’s-His-Fuck, M.D.” It has since occurred to me that all of the people who told me this were dudes. Donna was my favorite. Amy as a plot device, however, drives me insane with rage.

That, basically, is my problem with Amy. Doctor-who-last-supper%5B1%5D.jpg (1024×491) Doctor+infographic+blog.jpg (864×1296)