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26 Sites That Pay You to Blog. Writing paid post is perhaps the most straight forward ways to earn some revenue from blogging. The way pay post works hasn’t changed much; after reaching mutual agreement with advertisers, you write about them, they pay you. And if there is a 3rd party (middle man company) involve, they take cut. Most middle man company provides marketplace for advertisers to look for publishers, vice versa.

If you firmly believe that writing pay post is one good way to revenue from your blog, here’s a list of web services that pays you to write for them. This list will be updated periodically, so if you have a paid post service I’ve missed out I’d like to add them to the list. Necessary credits will be given. Sponsored Reviews<IMG src="/blog/wp-content/uploads/paidpost/sponsoredreviews.png" alt="sponsored reviews" srcset="" sizes=""> Earn cash by writing honest reviews about our advertiser’s products and services.

We’ll pay you to write about what you love. RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Où Facebook n'est pas utilisé ? vient de publier une carte du monde des endroits où Facebook n’est pas utilisé. 800 millions d’utilisateurs, un continent à lui tout seul, le réseau social de Mark Zuckerberg n’est pourtant pas partout. On comprend très rapidement que l’Asie, l’Afrique et une partie de l’Amérique Latine échappent encore largement à l’emprise de Facebook. La Chine, la Russie, la Corée du Sud ou encore le Japon sont tous des pays dans lequel le réseau social américain n’a pu pénétrer le marché pour cause de concurrence nationale déjà bien établie. En Chine, Facebook est bloqué depuis 2009 et, depuis, les visites de Mark Zuckerberg dans l’Empire du Milieu se soldent toujours par des échecs. En Russie, certaines sociétés n’hésitent pas à investir dans Facebook ; il n’empêche que ceux sont (littéralement “en contact”) et (plus dans le style “copains d’avant”) qui y tiennent le haut du pavé.

Carnets de voyage et Blogs de voyage : Liberté. Learn to code. Créer des pop-up intelligentes. Comment ouvrir une nouvelle fenêtre sans se priver des internautes qui ne disposent pas de JavaScript ou l’ont désactivé ? Les pop-up, un mal nécessaire ? Tout d'abord, faisons un point sur les pop-up, ces fenêtres qui s'ouvrent le plus souvent contre notre volonté.

Ce genre de pratique est à bannir dans le cas où l'on ouvre une fenêtre de taille normale, par exemple pour un lien vers un autre site. En effet, on casse la navigation de l'internaute qui ne peut plus utiliser le bouton de retour et on impose ses choix. C'est une excellente façon de faire fuir le visiteur ! Mais il existe des cas où une pop-up rend de nombreux services : afficher une légende, une aide, une photo, etc.

Autant les faire proprement Nous allons voir comment faire en sorte de n'oublier personne tout en conservant les pop-up dans notre arsenal. Explications : le lien classique pointe vers la page de destination via href tandis que le onclick ne se déclenche que si la navigateur comprend JavaScript. Astuce : — Get high on VideoWeed | Flash Video Hosting. Creating a custom HTML theme. Want to create a custom look for your blog? If you’re comfortable hand-coding HTML, then you’ve come to the right place! If not, choose from hundreds of beautiful themes in the Theme Garden. Introduction Tumblr is built around seven key post types: text, photos, links, quotes, chat, audio, and video. Be sure to customize your theme around these types so that your posts show up beautifully on your blog, on the Dashboards of your followers, and on other blogs when they’re reblogged.

Pro-tips Try to avoid posting external images and embedded media in text posts. Get Started Click the name of your blog at the top of the Dashboard or under the list icon at the top.Click “Customize appearance” on the right column.Click “Edit HTML” below the theme thumbnail on the left. Tumblr has two types of special operators used to render content in your HTML. Variables are used to insert dynamic data like your blog's title or description: Example <html><head><title>{Title}</title></head><body> ... Basic Variables. Developer Network.

Petite question de box shadow. Forum Tumblr (en) français - Forum Tumblr (en) français. WOW Slider : jQuery Image Slider & Gallery. Comment faire une pop up? | CommentCaMarche. Web Stats Checker - Check stats for Domains, Keywords, Competitors, Inbound Links and many more. How to Make Your Blog Accessible to Blind Readers. Quick Tips for Bloggers So you have a blog, and you're worried that it might not be accessible to people with disabilities? Don't worry! A few simple changes can increase your blog's potential readership. 1. Choose an Accessible Service If you haven't chosen a service yet, why not support one that doesn't put up obstacles to blind bloggers like the need to "enter the characters seen in this picture"? Some services confront users with the instruction to complete their registration by "entering the words they see in the picture.

" See Is Blogging Accessible to People with Vision Loss? 2. Provide descriptive text for any images you post, including those that are part of your template. Tips for Writing Effective Image Descriptions Brief is better. 3. People who use a screen reader to visit web sites will often tab from link to link, skipping over your carefully crafted explanatory text. 4. 5. Do you want to make sure that users who are blind can comment on your blog? But there is an easy fix. FRENCH TRASH TOUCH / 2013. Loading. Tim Van Damme. Big Cartel - Simple shopping cart for artists, designers, bands, record labels, jewelry, crafters.

WordPress | France. Matthew Buchanan • Esquire Theme for Tumblr Here’s a free theme... About | Roger Davis' Art Site. Roger Davis, Artist- At His Table, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco I was born in 1942 in Weymouth, a seaside resort on the south-west coast of England. At the age of 14 ½ I decided to dedicate my life to painting, from which I have never deviated. The first 10 years, I acquired the fundamentals as any painter must: learning to draw, colour theory, history and philosophy of art. Before arriving in Morocco in 1990, I developed five styles over a period of 30 years, none found favor with me.

The last, totally non-figurative, lasted 10 years. I was increasingly frustrated by the non-figurative painting, so much so that I completely stopped painting for more than a year before going to Morocco. I took a slow journey through the south of Morocco, using public transport. Roger Davis Artist – Painting in Progress, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco My painting in Morocco can be divided into three stages: from 1990 to 1993 in Agadir, from 1993 to 1997 in Rabat, finally from 1997 until today, again in Rabat.

Like this: Official Google Blog. — Créez un blog gratuit ici. Steph-c - steph-c inks. Exemple video/blogspot.