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Facebook Twitter ||| Japanese Facemarks(smileys) ||| Go-on. Go-on (呉音? , literally "sound from the Wu region") are one of the several possible ways of reading Japanese kanji. They are based on the classical pronunciations of Chinese characters of the then-prestigious eastern Jiankang[1] (now Nanjing) dialect. It preceded the kan-on (漢音?) Readings. Both go-on and kan-on exhibit characteristics of Middle Chinese. History and uses[edit] Introduced to Japan during the 5th and 6th centuries, when China was divided into separate Northern and Southern Dynasties, go-on readings are possibly imported either directly from the Southern dynasty, or through the Korean peninsula.

Go-on readings are particularly common for Buddhist terms and legal jargons, especially those of the Nara and Heian periods. When kan-on readings were introduced to Japan, their go-on equivalents did not disappear entirely. However, some go-on sounds are now lost. Names[edit] Go-on readings were also occasionally referred to as Tsushima-on (対馬音?) Characteristics[edit] See also[edit] 日本語資源 - Where do the kana come from The simple answer to this question is: "from kanji".

While kanji are used as semantic symbols in modern Japanese, this hasn't always been the case, as kanji were quite often used purely for phonetic purpose, using whatever kanji was available to get the sound of the what was written down across without paying attention to the meaning of the actual kanji used. Through this use a "standard" set of kanji became used to mimic Japanese phonetics, and it is from this set that hiragana and katana were derived. Hiragana was derived from the cursive forms of kanji, and was used predominantly by women, while katakana was derived from lifing kanji compounds out of their kanji and using them as phonetic characters instead.

This script was deemed unsuited for women and was used by men, as well as in the clergy (which at the time of course constisted only of men anyway) あ行 The あ column syllable derivations come from 安, 以, 宇, 衣 and 於 for あ, い, う, え and お respectively. か行 さ行 た行 な行. 現代中国語とは? KANJI. Kanji (Japanese: 漢字 ) are the Chinese characters that are used in the modern Japanese logographic writing system along with hiragana (平仮名), katakana (片仮名), and the Arabic numerals. The Japanese term kanji (漢字) literally means "Han characters". Chinese characters came to Japan from China with kanji articles on which they are written.

Their early instances include a gold seal discovered in 1748, which was identified as the one given by the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty in 57 CE. It is not clear when Japanese people started to command Classical Chinese by themselves. At first documents were probably written by Chinese immigrants. When first introduced, texts were written in the Chinese language and would have been read as such. The Japanese language itself had no written form at the time. The characters for Kanji, lit. GoJapanGo Friends is the ideal way to find language partners, both male and female. Many Chinese characters are not used in Japanese at all.