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/discoworkout// Music news, Listings, Reviews, Reaction, Interviews and Community. Bedroom Community. Music gear reviews and news, Music equipment, Tuition. Heathen Harvest - Webzine. Greetings people, in this final issue we have a concert report on the Current 93/Nurse With Wound/Simon Finn show at the HMV Forum in London from Simon Marshall-Jones, plus two Interviews, the first is from Adam Torruela.

A multimedia interview with Richard Leviathan on Neo Folk, Richard Leviathan speaks on the culture of neo folk, relevance of myth, the Anarch, and traditionalism. With Performances by Ostara and Luftwaffe, including a very rare live colloraboration of the Strength Through Joy song, The Call of Amergin + Excerpt from the second Halo Manash performance, at Stella Natura. Fall, 2009. The second interview is from Viktorya having a chat with Thrudvangar : Northern History and Mythology. ....And that as they that!

Dear Readers, Heathen Harvest has been growing and evolving now for seven full years and I have come to realize that it has reached its zenith. Any submissions now reaching us will likely not be reviewed as we wind down Heathen Harvest.