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PclTar User Guide. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Envoyer un mail. Liens sponsorisés : Vous vous êtes peut-être déjà demandé comment un site faisait pour vous envoyer un mail directement après votre inscription ou encore selon des paramètres que vous avez renseignés. La réponse tient à peu de choses : l'envoi de mails via PHP. Il existe différents moyens pour envoyer un mail en PHP, le plus simple étant d'utiliser la fonction prévue à cet effet, à savoir la fonction mail(). La fonction mail() s'utilise de cette façon : Les mails au format texte sont les mails les plus simples à envoyer.

Ils ne possèdent pas de mise en forme (ni images, ni police spéciale, ni gras, etc ...) et sont de nos jours de moins en moins utilisés. La syntaxe à utiliser pour la fonction mail() est donc identique à celle que nous avons décrite plus haut. Les en-têtes sont utilisés dès que vous aurez envie de personnaliser un peu votre mail. From : cet en-tête permet de spécifier l'adresse email de l'expéditeur. <? <? <? $message_texte='Bonjour,'. " $headers = 'From: "Nom" <'. How to get PNG Alpha Channel Transparency - $5 Script Archive Co. This post applies to the FPDF driver only, not pdflib or ghostscript. Currently with FPDF, if you have a PNG with embedded alpha-channel transparency, the alpha channel is ignored. I found a nice add-on class for FPDF that enables alpha-channel transparency for PNGs here: . I took it apart and put it in the html2ps code. Basically, if it runs into a PNG with an embedded alpha layer, it will make two flat PNGs and use one to mask the other.

It's pretty groovy. . ( lines that are new have a ### after them, unless the entire function is new.) {*style:<b>File: pdf.fpdf.php Class: FPDF </b>*} All the changes to this file are to the FPDF class (line 1036) Add a var for keeping track of temp files to the FPDF class. Code: var $_forms; var $_form_radios; var $_pages; var $tmpFiles = array(); ### add garbage cleanup to the Close() function: Replace Image() function: Add these two new functions after Image(): ImagePngWithAlpha() and _gamma() Helicon Tech - IIS modules and ISAPI filters for URL rewriting a. Introduction ISAPI_Rewrite is a powerful regular expressions-based URL manipulation engine.

It acts mostly like Apache's mod_Rewrite, but it is designed especially for Microsoft Internet Information Server and Microsoft Security and Acceleration Server 2004. If you ever wanted to change your web site's URL scheme, this product is for you! Some key benefits of ISAPI_Rewrite: Speed ISAPI_Rewrite is extremely fast and highly scalable solution. Main concept ISAPI_Rewrite provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. In most cases ISAPI_Rewrite is used to rewrite a Request-URI (defined in the RFC 2616) and common HTTP request headers.

The rewriting engine goes through the ruleset rule by rule (RewriteRule and RewriteHeader directives). Result of a successful rule application is saved in the original header and it will be visible for all subsequent rules. Rules are processed in the order of appearance in a configuration file. Installation Automatic installation. Create ZIP files from directories using PHP | Web Development Bl. For a future project I needed these days some easy to use zip or gzip class to create a zip file from files / folders inside a specified directory.

A short search on Google has lead me to the Create ZIP File PHP class from Rochak Chauhan. I tested two other scripts before and must say that this script works great for single files if you add them manually. To compress a whole directory with an unknown number of files into one zip file I created some class extension to get this job done. Hosting for developers - Free Trial! I used some directory functions (opendir, readdir) to get all the files from the specified directory. To get the files and sub directories from some directory we use this code: We need create an object from the extension we have just created. Via the method “getZippedfile” all content is added to the file ( and the method “forceDownload” will send the created zip file to the browser. Some important update!