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Facebook Twitter Aumentando el intelecto humano: un marco conceptual - 1962 (AUGMENT, 3906) - Doug Engelbart Institute. Visualizing Algorithms. The power of the unaided mind is highly overrated… The real powers come from devising external aids that enhance cognitive abilities. —Donald Norman Algorithms are a fascinating use case for visualization. To visualize an algorithm, we don’t merely fit data to a chart; there is no primary dataset. Instead there are logical rules that describe behavior. This may be why algorithm visualizations are so unusual, as designers experiment with novel forms to better communicate.

This is reason enough to study them. But algorithms are also a reminder that visualization is more than a tool for finding patterns in data. #Sampling Before I can explain the first algorithm, I first need to explain the problem it addresses. Light — electromagnetic radiation — the light emanating from this screen, traveling through the air, focused by your lens and projected onto the retina — is a continuous signal.

This reduction process is called sampling, and it is essential to vision. Here’s how it works: Much better! Aliasing - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Properly sampled image of brick wall. Aliasing can occur in signals sampled in time, for instance digital audio, and is referred to as temporal aliasing. Aliasing can also occur in spatially sampled signals, for instance digital images. Aliasing in spatially sampled signals is called spatial aliasing. Description[edit] Aliasing example of the A letter in Times New Roman. When a digital image is viewed, a reconstruction is performed by a display or printer device, and by the eyes and the brain.

An example of spatial aliasing is the Moiré pattern one can observe in a poorly pixelized image of a brick wall. Temporal aliasing is a major concern in the sampling of video and audio signals. In video or cinematography, temporal aliasing results from the limited frame rate, and causes the wagon-wheel effect, whereby a spoked wheel appears to rotate too slowly or even backwards.

Bandlimited functions[edit] Bandpass signals[edit] Sampling sinusoidal functions[edit] = 1. . = 0.9 and = 0.1. Are and is where ). - mbostock. Blog.SpoonGraphics. Creatividad Archivos. Playground. Just my type | Typography news, resources and lessons.

[ simplesong ] Project Party Studio: FIESTAS INFANTILES. ¿Tienes un tablero de Pinterest donde compartes espacios chulos que te inspiran? ¿Disfrutas yendo a sitios llenos de detalles? ¿Te gustan las tiendas bonitas? Entonces te encantará este post!!! Hoy te mostramos fotos y más fotos para que veas la “Factoría de PPStudio” donde creamos, diseñamos, preparamos envíos, etc, etc… Si en el trabajo es donde pasamos la mayos parte de nuestro tiempo, que mejor que trabajar en algo que te guste, rodeado de cosas bonitas y de buena gente? Henos aquí, a los 4 integrantes de nuestra pequeña familia, he de aclarar que somos así de guapos (y nada presumidos ;), no ha fotógrafo profesional, no hay Photoshop, ni maquillaje, ni vestuario especial, ni nada de nada… jajajajaj! ¿Tienes un ratito?

SHOP: En cuanto entras por la puerta encuentras este rinconcito tan mono, aquí vamos exhibiendo las novedades de la SHOP y demás cosas que nos gustan! TERRITORIO DANI: Esta parte del estudio es mi preferida!!! Bikes I like.