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Of feminism - / omnivore. Leisure inequality: It's a man's world. Why Cleaning Is Not Always A Feminist Issue | Mind Matters. As recently as a decade ago, a common middle-class American interpretation of a father in a heterosexual couple was "Mom's assistant," as Louis C.K. called it. Parenting was a job defined by the mother, performed more or less correctly by the father, according to her specifications.

Today, many of us have more or less replaced this notion with a real-partnership model. Our ideal parenting situation is closer to equal. That means the work is done according to standards that are sometimes shared, sometimes negotiated, sometimes grumblingly accepted because, well, it's not what I would do but that's how s/he does it. That is, after all, the only way forward to real gender equality in child-rearing. This revolution, though, does not extend to housework. Jonathan Chait nailed it Thursday in this post. I'd like to propose that domestic duties divide into three types. Category 3, though? Which is, pretty much, the response to be found in many men's posts that weighed in on this debate.

Judith Butler: Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of the Street | In the last months there have been, time and again, mass demonstrations on the street, in the square, and though these are very often motivated by different political purposes, something similar happens: bodies congregate, they move and speak together, and they lay claim to a certain space as public space. Now, it would be easier to say that these demonstrations or, indeed, these movements, are characterized by bodies that come together to make a claim in public space, but that formulation presumes that public space is given, that it is already public, and recognized as such. We miss something of the point of public demonstrations, if we fail to see that the very public character of the space is being disputed and even fought over when these crowds gather. Of course, this produces a quandary. We cannot act without supports, and yet we must struggle for the supports that allow us to act.

For politics to take place, the body must appear. Lauren Greenfield Photography - Girl Culture intro. 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, so it's not easy for me to describe what it's like to be a man, because I don't know what you're using for context. I'm going to do my best: Did you ever watch old cartoons where a character is starving on a desert island, and when another character approaches, he's so hungry that he imagines the other character as a talking piece of food? Via TV TropesThird panel omitted due to graphic content. It's like that for most men, most of the time. Right now I'm reading a book from mega-selling fantasy author George R. "When she went to the stables, she wore faded sandsilk pants and woven grass sandals.

That's written from the woman's point of view. Do you see what I'm getting at? Photos.comWe also assume you have the taste of a pimp. Go look at a city skyline. All those wars we fight? It's all about you. Photos.comNope. This is really the heart of it, right here. Which brings us back to where we started.

Via Wikipedia Via Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is. The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming. One of the things I hear whenever I write about misogyny in video games is that there’s a silent majority of male gamers who are uncomfortable with the vicious sexism some of their counterparts deploy against women (and frankly, against men, too). Women aren’t alone in feeling hopeless, or like there’s no effective way to change either the behavior of individuals or the culture that leaves space for the harassment of women. So I hopped on Twitter yesterday and asked men who play video games, and who push back against sexist behavior when they see it, what kinds of arguments they’ve found to be effective.

Dozens of you responded, with a lot of terrific advice. So if you’ve ever wanted to call out sexism in video games but weren’t sure how to start the conversation or how to make sure it would be productive, here’s the collective wisdom of the internet. –Take the high ground—but don’t sound superior: “SOMETIMES IT ABOUT STARTING FROM PLACE GIVING RESPECT EVEN IF RESPECT UNDESERVED?” After banning the burqa, French lawmakers target floral dresses | Les blogs. An embarassing spectacle took hold of the French parliament on Tuesday when a Socialist government minister turned up to work in a floral dress.

Rightwing lawmakers raised their eyebrows and hooted as minister of territories and housing, Cécile Duflot, took to the podium to speak about an architecture project. Centrist MP Jean-Christophe Fromantin called on the hecklers to pipe down and listen up, allowing Duflot to address the house. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she began, adding “obviously more gentlemen than ladies…”. The reaction could have gone two ways in France, where the nasty 2011 Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair was initially received with more amusement than ire, and ogling or getting ogled at work comes as part of the job.

Reassuringly, the majority of French twitterers took pity on Duflot, denouncing the MPs as a “bunch of sexist imbeciles” who “can’t see beyond their testosterone levels”. Not surprisingly, the “sexist imbeciles” in question denied any wrongdoing. Trouser ban. The Wage Gap Series, so far. I have to admit, my economics background is compleatly self taught, so the technichal details are a little above me. On the other hand, every thing I have learned, especially in the labor market is that the cionventional wisdom in economic circles, (where most of the apologists for the wage gap seem to come from) is based on theories that have no real ties to reality.

Until recently I was an occasional lurker on your blog. I have the pleasure of being married to a very strong woman who is intolerant in the extream of the sorts of issues that you discuss, so while I recognize them intellectually as extreamly important, I am inselated from dealing with the on a day to day basis, and so I have devoted my energies to reading about issues that more directly affect me and my family.

I admire your work, and your dedication to it. while I have not felt the need to post comments, for the reasons enumerated above, I have become a much more regular reader here, BECUASE of this series. Thank you. Jim. The rise of enlightened sexism - The Scavenger. Details Published: 12 February 2011 Hits: 4589 Enlightened sexism is a new, subtle, sneaky form of sexism that seems to accept – even celebrate – female achievements on the surface, but is really about repudiating feminism and keeping women, especially young women, in their place, writes Susan J.

Douglas. 13 February 2011 Today, we once again have what Betty Friedan famously called "a problem with no name. " Millions of young women – the girl power generation – have been told that they can do or be anything, yet they also believe their most important task is to be slim, "hot," and non-threatening to men.

Once they get out in the work force, though, they learn that there still is pay discrimination, inflexible work places, women slotted into low paying, dead end jobs more often than men and a glass ceiling in so many lines of work. At the same time, these young women get the message loud and clear that the absolute last thing they should embrace is feminism. A new brand of sexism Susan J. Sorry Feminists—NOT! A good internet meme may last but a day, but the concerns it addresses are often perennial. So it was with the Twitter hashtag #sorryfeminists, which was born, matured, and perished within the span of a workday, as chronicled at the Atlantic Wire.

But while the meme got boring fast, the problem it addressed remains. Why do stereotypes of feminists as anti-fun, unsexy, and humorless persist? Generation after generation, going all the way back to the suffragists, feminists have tried to crush these tropes by proving their "pants on fire" status. Every time we believe we’ve suffocated the stereotype with miniskirted beauties with pro-choice signage and Emmy-laden feminist comedians, someone pulls the “feminists are so grim” card to score an easy point, and we’re reminded that we’ll never really be rid of this cheap but disturbingly effective attack.

Not that any participants expect this action to work. Advertisement InstapaperPocketShare on emailEmailShare on printPrint You may also like: com. Silicon Valley Discriminates Against Women, Even If They're Better | The Business Desk with Paul Solman. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Vivek Wadhwa discovers that the famed “meritocracy” of Silicon Valley is a myth and that women are systematically discriminated against there, despite the fact that they’re more productive, on average, than their male counterparts. He has a plan to change the Valley. Paul Solman: Silicon Valley entrepreneur Vivek Wadhwa is a widely heard voice on the value of immigration for the U.S. economy.

We first featured him a year ago in “Man v. Machine,” a story on the automation of work and did so again on this page last fall on the threat posed by a programmable robot named Baxter. An immigrant himself (from India), Wadhwa used to think Silicon Valley was a a paragon of open access: talent like his would inevitably prevail. But he has been writing and speaking lately about the Valley’s “myth of meritocracy.” All, he realized, was not as it seemed, and he followed up his dawning disillusionment with research, which he will publish soon.

That’s not all. Trickle-Down Feminism. Trickle-Down Feminism Artwork by Imp Kerr If you read what is popularly known as the feminist press, you’ll notice a focus on the “glass ceiling” that excludes much else. Feminist writers are found celebrating the achievements of Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, cheering Christine Lagarde’s position at the International Monetary Fund, wringing their hands over Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s refusal to call herself a feminist, or asking, as Anne-Marie Slaughter did in the pages of the Atlantic, whether (white, well-off, educated) women can “have it all.” While we debate the travails of some of the world’s most privileged women, most women are up against the wall. This is where most women spend their time, not atop the Googleplex. The stakes are clear. And yet for much of mainstream feminist discourse, it’s as if the economy hasn’t shifted, or as if there’s nothing about it worth examining from the standpoint of gender.

“All work is gendered. There’s much history to the fight over domestic work. Movies, Culture, and Women. Hey Ladies. Media. Fuck You, Men's Rights Activists. Alright, I totally agree here (as a man) with your description of these reprehensible people. Fuck MRAs. They're reprehensible shits who hate women, and tacitly or actively endorse violence against women, and clearly have some incredible emotional issues they must contend with. Their "activism" is vile nonsense. On the other hand, men are almost 50% of the world population, so it'd be nice if people could advocate for issues that affect them but don't affect women negatively in a zero-sum game sense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I'm not sure any of those qualify as men's activists under the definition given here, but in the sense that they advocate for the rights of men, they might, and they probably shouldn't be subject to this sort of vitriol.

Yeah, but fuck MRA's who fit under the definition given here. Feminism Imgur Album. The everyday sexism project. Gender Brain Studies Claim Men and Women Are Wired Differently. The Wall Street Journal reported this week on a spate of controversial new studies suggesting behavioral differences between men and women are due to “hard-wiring” in the brain. In the most comprehensive study, published this month in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, biomedical scientists at the University of Pennsylvania compared brain images of nearly 1,000 men and women aged 8 to 22 and found that the connective tissues between the two hemispheres developed differently in men and women, particularly during adolescence—with significant behavioral consequences.

Women are mostly better connected left-to-right and right-to-left across the two brain hemispheres…Men are better connected within each hemisphere and from back-to-front. That suggests women might be better wired for multitasking and analytical thought, which require coordination of activity in both hemispheres.

Do high fetal testosterone levels make females more empathetic? Misgendering Cats. Few things in life are certain, but there is one area of human behavior I fancy myself something of an expert — in fact, I rate my own judgment in this area so highly that I can confidently claim to predict the response of every conscious being with 100% accuracy, should you find yourself in a wagering mood. This is a social experiment that will require a little effort on your part, but I guarantee you will find events unfold exactly as I predict.

Humans are all alike in this way. Step the first: Visit a friend who owns a cat at a time when both cat and human are at home. Step the second: Wait to be introduced to the cat, or for the cat’s name to be brought up in some slightly more organic fashion. Step the third (this is crucial): At some later point in the conversation, refer to the cat by an incorrect gender. Step the fourth: Wait. Misgender a fish or a bird and it is likely you will hear nothing. I do not pretend to know why this is. About Author by Mallory Ortberg. How Women Change Men - Sarah Yager. Soon after Jay Z welcomed his first child, Blue Ivy Carter, last year, a poem the rapper had reportedly dedicated to his new baby girl zipped around the Internet. “Before I got in the game, made a change, and got rich / I didn’t think hard about using the word B----,” it opened.

“I rapped, I flipped it, I sold it, I lived it / now with my daughter in this world / I curse those that give it.” The poem turned out to be a hoax, but a spate of recent research backs the idea that close relationships with women can dramatically sway men’s attitudes and behavior, at home and at work, for better and for worse: Male CEOs typically pay their employees less and themselves more after having sons, but this trend doesn’t hold with daughters. In fact, male CEOs with firstborn daughters actually pay their employees more, giving female employees the biggest raises [1].

Men with stay-at-home wives likewise favor a traditional division of labor. The Studies: Measuring Trends in Leisure: The Allocation of Time Over Five Decades. + Author Affiliations Abstract In this paper, we use five decades of time-use surveys to document trends in the allocation of time within the United States. We find that a dramatic increase in leisure time lies behind the relatively stable number of market hours worked between 1965 and 2003.

Specifically, using a variety of definitions for leisure, we show that leisure for men increased by roughly six to nine hours per week (driven by a decline in market work hours) and for women by roughly four to eight hours per week (driven by a decline in home production work hours). Lastly, we document a growing inequality in leisure that is the mirror image of the growing inequality of wages and expenditures, making welfare calculation based solely on the latter series incomplete. © 2007 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Leisure inequality: It's a man's world. Nine Reasons Women Don’t Edit Wikipedia (in their own words) « Sue Gardner's Blog. Clothing sizes getting bigger: Why our sizing system makes no sense. The Current Conscience | Here to challenge your ideas about everything from politics and the personal, culture and relationships.