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Chinese ballet paintings. Art project google. Van gogh ltrs.


Art project. Escape into life. Art of russia. Let us have more pictures, shall we? Several of us are experiencing December blues and quite unable to rouse ourselves to the spirit of the season. I hope these may provide a few moments' entertainment at the very least. I never did manage to post these illustrations here.

I did post a link to my dA gallery instead a few months ago, but links are no fun. Besides, there are fewer illustrations there. These are all of them. Cross-posted at told_tales and storybookland I feel so silly and awkward sometimes, posting these things in communities; especially having to sign off with my name as the illustrator. 'She waved her right hand, and lakes and woods appeared; she waved her left hand, and various birds began to fly about'Illustration for The Frog Princess. 'I'm Rumbling Thunder! 'Ivashko too walked and walked, and met the three-headed dragon'Illustration for The Three Kingdoms. ‘The fox is carrying me away … Cat Cotonaevich, rescue me!’ This is another one which was scanned for me by.

Art history