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Noupe Design Blog. Codrops - useful drops of code.


Laboratoire Inspiration. Trafik - graphic design, web site, multi-media, scenography, exhibitions. Art Concours - Concours artistiques - Logo pour les droits de l'homme, photo, design, logo. Le club club. Archives de Portfolio Marc Da Cunha Lopes Portofolio du photographe Marc Da Cunha Lopes basé à Paris et ancien étudiant des Gobelins. mots clés : Beaux sites, Photographie, Portfolio.

Le club club

Anita Shreve. Little, Brown came to us looking to build a site for readers of Anita Shreve, one of their best-selling novelists.

Anita Shreve

They wanted to provide a new home for Shreve’s work on the web, which would showcase her backlist and promote her new titles, all tied in to a recent rebranding of all her works with a contemporary and harmonious, photographic and typographically led design. Particular thought was given to attracting and retaining her key audience demographic, and integrating the wide range of audio backlist into the site. This was to be a site where Shreve’s readers would feel welcomed, catered-for, and that there was a wealth of supporting material worth returning to.

It wasn’t to be flashy, geeky or intimidating – but to echo the calm, confident and consistent look and feel or her books. Network.