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Formulaires de contact

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Paper Architecture. Uber: A Responsive Portfolio and Business WordPress Theme | News. At Theme Trust, we’ve just released our first WordPress theme of 2012, and we’re quite proud of it. This one is called Uber, and it’s a responsive business and portfolio theme perfect for freelance designers, photographers, or design firms. The portfolio section in this theme, with its smooth filtering animations, is a great way to showcase your work. Another great feature is the animated full screen background that’s synchronized with the home page slideshow. Keep reading to learn more Uber’s features and to try out the demo.

At Theme Trust when you buy one theme, you get another free. Theme Features Here’s a run down of the key features included in Uber: About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 170 shares Baylie: A Multipurpose Agency WordPress Theme At ThemeTrust, our premium WordPress theme shop, we just released our latest WordPress theme. Read More 176 shares Hayden: A Professional Agency WordPress Theme. Formulaire de contact en PHP.

Objectif et prérequis L'objectif de ce script est d'afficher un formulaire pour que vos visiteurs puissent vous contacter, sans avoir de client mail (comme Outlook, thunderbird) sous la main. Ainsi, une fois le formulaire rempli, le mail part directement depuis le serveur dans la boîte du destinataire... Prérequis : Support du PHP et de la fonction mail quelques connaissances en HTML Un peu de logique ! Formulaire - HTML Cette partie va permettre d'établir le formulaire en HTML. Pour cet exemple, je vais demander ceci au visiteur : Son nom, son email L'objet du contact Le message qu'il souhaite m'adresser Nous aurons besoin de champs type <input><textarea> pour ces entrées de texte.

Traitement du formulaire - PHP Il faut maintenant traiter ce formulaire, c.à.d. récupérer ce que le visiteur a envoyé, le vérifier, puis générer (si besoin) le mail. Améliorations Ceci est un exemple simple, mais fonctionnel. Exemple du même formulaire, en une seule page nommée contact.php : 25 Creative Contact Forms. For any website or blog, the contact form is an element that makes a very powerful statement. Just like a business card, the contact form speaks for itself, as it is the gateway people use for passing their love to you. Best web forms are strong in three parameters: idea, design, usability. Let’s take an expedition to the nicest of the contact forms out there. The following snapshots are taken from visual art websites and blogs. Dive in! No doubt over the professional look of this website. A flash contact form that impressed us. Modern graphics and wise choosen colours join in this contact form to create a powerful effect.

Is your posted content fragile? What do reindeers and the colour blue have in common? Along with the beautiful design of the contact form itself, proper positioning is also important, so that the other elements on the page contribute to the overall aesthetics. We are in Moscow and everything floats around in the world of Alexey Abramov. Just like that! 25 Ultimate Useful Form Tutorials Using CSS and Javascript. In this article I just featured many good looking contact forms, so you should know how the contact form is good looking. Now let’s take a look how to create outstanding and beautifully designed form element from scratch ourselves.

Things can get tricky even if you are experienced designer. Although It Is hard to attract visitors attention, but this article should help to stand out and create semantically correct, good looking and accessible web forms, radio buttons, buttons, checkboxes, field sets and everything that come to your mind when you are creating contact or login page!

1. Simple Form Example This tutorial will explain you the crucial point you should give attention to. 2. This tutorial will explain how to design good form using clean CSS design with only label and input tags to simulate an HTML table structure. 3. Just visit to get tutorial to make accessible form 4. Niceforms is a script that will replace all the most commonly use form elements with custom designed ones. 5. 6. Contact Form with jQuery. Here’s an implementation of a contact form with PHP and jQuery. Usually, one would only want the message posted by the user to be sent to an email address. This script does that and also saves all these messages in the database for the admin to keep track of them. The table […] View demoDownload source Here’s an implementation of a contact form with PHP and jQuery.

The table to store this data is the following: CREATE TABLE CONTACT( pk_contact INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, website VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT "", message VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, added_date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key(pk_contact) )type=innodb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; We will keep track of the name, email, website (optional), the message, and the date when the message was sent. We use jQuery for the front end, and AJAX for submitting the form. Formulaire de contact (cours) A l’heure où laisser trainer son email rend inutilisable celle-ci en moins d’un mois du fait d’un flot de spam divers et variés vous proposant des services pas nécessairement indispensables à base de viagra, de sexe, de promotion à la page ou autre ineptie, il convient de s’intéresser à la mise en place d’un formulaire de contact tout bête en html.

Je vous propose en quatre articles de réaliser le votre facilement. Le web ne serait pas aussi intéressant s’il n’avait pas ce caractère dynamique qui nous permet de se transmettre des informations les uns aux autres au travers d’une simple page web. Je vous propose de vous accompagner pas à pas dans la réalisation d’un formulaire de contact qui vous permettra de voir en passant un peu de html, un soupçon de css, une pincée de javascript et trois grains de php. Ingrédients : Un éditeur de texte : Notepad pour windows, Subethaedit sur mac, et Kedit ou Vi avec Linux. Les bases du html en référence. Temps de cuisson : deux heures ? <! <! <! <!