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Administration / Executive Branch

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National Archives and Records Administration. United States Department of Defense ( U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. U.S. Department of the Interior. United States Department of Labor. United States Department of Justice. U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. Homeland Security. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Energy. U.S. Department of Education. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agencies and Offices A list of all Agencies and Offices within USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Commodity, credit, conservation, disaster, emergency assistance programs... Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Dietary guidance, nutrition policy coordination, nutrition education... Food Safety Meat, poultry, and egg inspection, food recalls, food labeling, packaging... Marketing and Regulatory Programs Organic program, animal and plant health, grain inspection... Natural Resources and Environment Forestry, conservation, damage prevention, land management, sustainable land management...

Research, Education and Economics U.S. food and fibers system, library, statistics, research, analysis, education... Rural Development Financial programs, water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, economic development, loans, lending pools... DoD Inspector General. Department of Transportation.