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7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High. EDITORS' DISCLAIMER: Cracked does not endorse eating the below foodstuffs for the express purpose of getting high, as the side effects are usually horrible enough to make you forget you were high in the first place. Thus the information in this article should only be used for scintillating chitchat at cocktail parties and around the office. Rye grain is occasionally infected with the ergot fungus. Ergot contains several psychoactive chemicals such as ergotamine, a compound used in the synthesis of LSD. So if some day your half-eaten sandwich suddenly sprouts a mouth and prophesizes doom for the human race, you'll know why.

The Downside Ergot outbreaks are rare so eating a Reuben will most likely not turn you into Hunter S. But most modern farmers clean their rye in a potassium chloride solution to guard against, something medieval farmers never did. Fun Fact Nutmeg, that piquant brown spice you sprinkle on egg nog, is chock full o' the organic compound myristicin. Chronosynclastic Infundibulum (aka Rotating Snake) View a stomach-turning fullscreen version. What you’ll be seeing here is a stationary image that looks as though it is alive, squirming, slithering. Stare if you dare. WARNING: This high can cause extreme dizziness and could provoke epileptic seizures.

If while staring at this you feel very dizzy, immediately look away and cover one eye. Do not close both eyes! How It Works This visual high was developed by psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. Kitaoka and other psychologists argue that our eyes will assume a motion of right when processing the black and dark grey patches in this illusion, and a motion of left when processing the white blocks.

Though Kitaoka’s theory sounds logical, the fact is nobody has unequivocal proof of why exactly Chronosynclastic Infundibulum works. SAMA - The Effect of Drugs on the Adolescent Brain | SAMA Foundation. Overview Though it has long been known that teenagers are prone to impulsive behavior, to emotional rather than logical thinking, and to not fully considering the long-term consequences of their actions, only recently has neuroscience and MRI technology provided an understanding of why. The teenage brain, it turns out, is a brain still developing. To understand the risks associated with psychoactive substances in adolescents, it helps to understand that teenagers are not just less-experienced adults; they are undergoing an important yet challenging developmental stage in which that are prone to errors of judgment, and sensitive to neurological assault by psychoactive substances.

More than any other age group adolescents are at risk for substance addiction, and more than any other age group they risk permanent intellectual and emotional damage due to the effects of drugs. Normal Adolescent Brain Development The human brain is sculpted by experience. Effects of Drugs on the Developing Brain. ALCOHOL'S DAMAGING EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN. Drugs: What You Should Know. These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyone's doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer. But learning the facts about drugs can help you see the risks of chasing this excitement or escape. Here's what you need to know. The Deal on Substances Thanks to medical and drug research, there are thousands of drugs that help people.

Antibiotics and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of infections. How do drugs work? A drug may be helpful or harmful. Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Why People Take Drugs And just as there are many kinds of drugs available, there are as many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become better athletes. Many teens use drugs because they're depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. Listverse. Crime Drug abuse is a very common problem in most countries so it seemed like a good topic for a list. This is a list of ten of the most abused drugs and the effects they have on people. Heroin is an opiate processed directly from the extracts of the opium poppy.

It was originally created to help cure people of addiction to morphine. Upon crossing the blood-brain barrier, which occurs soon after introduction of the drug into the bloodstream, heroin is converted into morphine, which mimics the action of endorphins, creating a sense of well-being; the characteristic euphoria has been described as an “orgasm” centered in the gut. One of the most common methods of heroin use is via intravenous injection. For the last 4 months, my partner and I have been recreationally using heroin. Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. The cocaine arrived and we agreed to use it at a time that translated to three and a half hours after I arrived.