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Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services. Sustainable waste management services.

Solar Rooftop Developer in India - Onsite Rooftop Plant Installation. Before you commission CleanMax to design and install a rooftop solar plant installation, you must first evaluate the feasibility for setting up a rooftop solar plant on your existing roof.

Solar Rooftop Developer in India - Onsite Rooftop Plant Installation

We offer you turnkey solar solutions, right from designing and installation to maintenance, leaving you free to focus on your core business. All that is required is access to your unused roofs, and we’ll do the rest. However, before you commission a rooftop solar power plant, there are a few feasibility checks that you need to carry out. You can conduct these yourself or we can send our expert to check. Shadows: Is the rooftop free from large obstructions and the resulting shadows? Solar Plants Installed - CleanMax. Captive Solar Plant - Captive & Group Captive Services in India. Solar EPC Company - EPC Solutions Provider (CAPEX Solutions) Renewable Energy Solutions - Solar Farm. Everything you need to know about net metering concept in India - CleanMax Solar Blog. Year of release of Net Metering policies Specifications on capacity Range allowed 1 kW–1 MW.

Everything you need to know about net metering concept in India - CleanMax Solar Blog

Renewable Energy Solutions - Solar Farm. Renewable Energy Solutions - Wind Farm. Grande Heritage Garden View Rooms. 5 Star Luxury Suites in Goa. Luxury Suites in Mumbai. Room with Private Pool in Goa. The Leela Palace New Delhi. Grande Heritage Garden View Rooms. 5 Star Luxury Suites in Goa. Luxury Suites in Mumbai. Compare Variations Between CAPEX & OPEX Solar Solutions. Leading Solar Power Company in UAE. Leading Solar Power Company in UAE. Leading Solar Power Company in UAE. Leading Solar Power Company in UAE.

Leading Solar Power Company in UAE. Leading Solar Power Company in UAE. Renewable Energy (1) CAPEX Model. OPEX Model. Enrich your customer interactions with Capgemini's Digital Customer Operations (DCO) Your business can benefit from a solution that puts your customers at the center of your business operations through implementing a scalable, cloud-based, omnichannel platform that drives a frictionless customer experience across your organization.

Enrich your customer interactions with Capgemini's Digital Customer Operations (DCO)

Capgemini’s Digital Customer Operations solution offer leverages a human-centric design approach that integrates humans and machines to deliver a digital, AI-infused ecosystem of connected, persona-influenced services and platforms. In turn, this enables you to drive a more meaningful, productive, and frictionless relationship between your customers and employees, delivering enhanced business value across three main areas: To learn more about how Capgemini’s Digital Customer Operations helps you deliver a superior, frictionless customer experience, contact:

Enabling the Smart Substation. Enhancing utility reliability, sustainability and resiliency through Substation and Edge-of-the-Grid Automation Increased use of distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicles (EVs), and intelligent automation applications require a significant change in the way today’s power grid is designed, built and operated.

Enabling the Smart Substation

To maintain a stable, efficient and sustainable energy ecosystem, utilities must transform the grid from a rigid, one-way journey to a two-way exchange of power, data and communication. Substation & Edge-of-the-Grid Automation is a new, real-time, adaptive solution from Capgemini and Intel that leverages data, analytics and intelligent automation to help utilities monitor and manage load and flow across all grid assets, simplify the energy ecosystem, prioritize production and consumption of clean energy sources, and flatten the rate structure. Emerging Technology & Innovation. Now, more than ever, technology is changing the way companies frame and steer their complex transformation programs.

Emerging Technology & Innovation

The Chief Digital Officer hype of a few years ago has been duly replaced by planned transformation offices, industrialized innovation labs and the opening of new partner ecosystems. Addressing the innovation challenge. Automation. Podcast - Accelerating automotive's AI transformation. In this episode, we are focusing on the automotive sector and the role artificial intelligence (AI) is playing in accelerating the sector’s transformation: from product design and testing, to production lines and fleet management, to attracting new customers who have more choice than ever before, or customers who aren’t interested in buying a vehicle, but are scanning the market for an alternative mobility solution.

Podcast - Accelerating automotive's AI transformation

Participating in this discussion we have Bernard Marr, best-selling author, keynote speaker and futurist; Demetrio Aiello, who leads the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Labs at Continental Tyres, and Ingo Finck, Capgemini Invent Vice President of Insights Driven Enterprise. Please allow statistical cookies to see this Soundcloud embed Also available on: Transcript: Rob Waugh:

The Smart Digital Store Smart Store Guide. With the Smart Store Guide, shoppers will not have to dread trips to the store, thinking they have to walk the entire store floor to complete their shopping list.

The Smart Digital Store Smart Store Guide

Shoppers can just ask the Smart Store Guide through their mobile phone to find the item’s physical location, the quickest way to get to it, and obtain additional details on the product such as discounts and recommendations. It is as easy as saying, “Ok Google! Cloud Services. Capgemini Smart FHIR and LPR for Healthcare. The Challenges with Interoperability in the Healthcare Industry Lack of interoperability causing barriers to the exchange of information across the Healthcare system has been a systemic issue for a long time.

Capgemini Smart FHIR and LPR for Healthcare

The Fast Health Interoperability Rules (FHIR) released by CMS coupled with the ongoing global pandemic has brought a sharp focus on this issue and forced the Healthcare System to finally reach for the holy grail of Interoperability. It is expected that the implementation of FHIR will foster deep integration of clinical, financial, administrative, and other data across the ecosystem driving a Longitudinal Patient Record, and finally providing patients the ownership of their health data.

We believe such an interoperability will drive data transformation inside-out leading to an insight driven care system. Cloud-Native Applications (PaaS) Please allow statistical cookies to see this Youtube embed A Code for Disruption The rapid pace of business today demands enterprises to be highly agile, flexible and scalable.

Cloud-Native Applications (PaaS)

To stay ahead, enterprises need IT that is fast, adaptive, continuously deployed and loosely coupled. Implementing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) In-house IT and on-premise systems are no longer able to keep pace with today’s business and technology imperatives.

Implementing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Enterprises are looking to reduce capital investments on IT infrastructure, while becoming more agile and responsive. Developing, deploying and maintaining on-premise applications ties up budget and resources that could be invested in innovation. Explore Capgemini's Energy and Utilities Services. “Working with Capgemini has helped us future-proof our business [and] introduce more convenience to our customers.” —Chuah Kee Heng, Managing Director, SP Services New technologies empower energy and utility leaders Energy and utility companies face a level of disruption not seen in decades. New, cash-rich competitors are disrupting the market. Renewables prices continue to ratchet downward. Intelligent Industry. The next stage of digital transformation is here. Companies are now focusing on how to digitize key industrial parts of their businesses and use embedded software, data and new generation wireless connectivity to rethink what they do and how they do it.

Tune into our Intelligent Industry podcast – a show about reframing your thinking to tackle the biggest problems in business and society and where we look to the future of a new intelligent world through new approaches to technology, design, data and communication. Banking and Capital Markets. Telecommunications. Media & Entertainment. The Media & Entertainment industry has been facing unprecedented levels of disruption for over a decade and is still rapidly changing as consumer behavior and expectations evolve and technology transforms content production, delivery & consumption. The progress and continued adoption of digital & cloud promise more changes and open new growth opportunities. If Media & Entertainment has always been about Content, the revolution has set the consumer truly at the heart of a new media paradigm.

The ability to gain direct customer access, to understand consumer needs and preferences, to identify changes in their behaviors and to use these insights to create differentiated, relevant experiences and new monetization models are the most pressing challenges facing the modern media company across the entire value chain. Cloud Services. Business Services. Applied Innovation Exchange. Get beyond the Ordinary Business is not usual. Today we see multiple shifts occurring simultaneously. Services. Capgemini - Get The Future You Want.