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Brushes and textures

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Stumpy Pencil: Stumpy Pencil, V2. I started this blog a year or two ago with a Photoshop brush for a stumpy pencil, my favorite drawing tool.

Stumpy Pencil: Stumpy Pencil, V2

Flat, soft and dark, crudely sharpened with a knife, a stumpy pencil lays down such an effortless line that it is a great tool for thinking on paper. My Photoshop effort became quite popular, and even in the long interval when I was not posting, I would still get feedback from people who had found it while searching for Photoshop tools. Well it's still one of my most used brushes. I go to it first when I am sketching out ideas in Photoshop. I even use it for finishing when I want the final output to have a rougher look. 30 Free Seamless Background Textures. I get a lot of requests to release more seamless textures here on L&T, so this set is for you guys.

30 Free Seamless Background Textures

It includes a giant selection of thirty repeatable textures ranging from paper to fabric to subtle grunge and noise. Each one of them is fully tile-able and will work perfect for website background or pattern overlays in photoshop. Chalk Brush / Blending Brush - PS brush by Feohria on deviantART. Digital Brushes. Brushpack numbah two ! by Zedig on deviantART. Happiest Search paper pack by Eijaite on deviantART. Paper Pack 11 by dierat on deviantART.

Blue bokeh by JenniStock on deviantART. Resources by hibbary on deviantART. Zummerfish's Artistic N Texture Brushes Vol2 by zummerfish on deviantART. Kecky's magical brushes by Kecky on deviantART. Textures Brushes by Vincent-Montreuil on deviantART. Essential Illustration Brushes V3 Extended by fox.