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Welcome | Wordnik. Twictionary / FrontPage. Writer's block? Cure writer's block with creative writ. Twitterspeak: 66 Twitter Terms You Don’t Need to Know. Never read a twiller? Having twissues with your twerminology? Welcome, then, to the unforgivable abuse of the English language that some call Twitterspeak. The trick, in most instances, is to take the first two letters of microblogging service Twitter and meld them, often unwillingly, to the front of your chosen word.

These ungainly neologisms are so numerous that they now require at least two sites to track them: Twictionary and Twittonary. The latter, Twittonary, forces you to click through every letter of the alphabet methodically, despite the fact that most letters lack a single entry. Time saver: here's the full list, with our suggestions below: