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Tweet Smarter! Easy icons and add a retweet link to any tweet! Why Retweet works the way it does. . Part of the beauty of Twitter is that you can follow your friends, organizations, public figures, or strangers you find interesting. But no matter how carefully you've groomed your following list, out of the millions of tweets written today, are you seeing the absolute most relevant ones to you? Or are you getting some good stuff, some stuff you don't care about, and likely missing a whole lot of other killer tweetage you don't even know is there? I would argue it's the latter.

The perfect Twitter would show you only the stuff you care about—relevant, timely, local, funny, whatever you're most interested in—even if you don't follow the person who wrote it. And, of course, it would give you ultimate, fine-grained control in how to do so. We want to give you more ways to help the good stuff bubble to the top. Foreground Toward that end, we've designed Retweets in a way that helps people get more good stuff, while solving some of the other problems described above. Hottest Stories on Twitter. There’s a Better Way to ReTweet! By Miles Tinsley – follow him at @milestinsley Retweeting is a popular way to share a useful or interesting tweet.

The concept is beautifully simple, but fundamentally flawed. Using the “RT” prefix worked well when the Twitter-verse was small, but since the big bang it has simply failed to scale. Prolific RT-ing is polluting the Twitter-sphere, suffocating the original, high quality tweets that make Twitter so compelling in the first place. “RT” simply doesn’t add value to something that thrives on individuality, creativity and niche communities. However, RT-ing is popular and well established in the Twitter community: so why change it? Use “via @” instead of “RT @” Here’s an example of a recent tweet that is interesting and intriguing. As you can see, the text from the first tweet is completely copied in the ReTweet. It would be far more interesting and unique to Tweet the following instead: 3 Tips for using “via @”