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8 Cool Online Alarm Clock Websites. Tweet O'Clock - Find out when it's best to tweet someo. Best Online Alarm Clocks For Naps At Work | Research has shown that a midday nap benefits both mental fitness and overall health. Recently, The Boston Globe released an awesome and detailed piece on how to nap. Basically, it’s important to nap during the right time of day and for the right amount of time. But how do you make sure you don’t oversleep during the day, especially when you’re at work? You set an alarm! And since you’re at work, what are you going to use? Your computer, the internet and online alarm clock. A nap is not the only situation where an online alarm clock comes in handy. Let’s look at some practical online alarm clocks you might want to use next time… KuKu Klok The Swiss made Kuku Klok offers a very basic and easy to use interface.

This one’s actually terrific to play a prank on an unsuspecting individual because the electronic wake up sound is soooo horrible, almost like a smoke detector! Avnoy Alarm Clock Naked Alarm Clock Despite the ugly green color there are some very nice design ideas in this tool. Internet Alarm Clock. 7 Simple Time Management Rules For the Super Busy | Dumb Little. Most people are busy these days — from the start of their day to the end, there are endless tasks to be done, projects to be moved along, meetings to attend, errands to run, chores and cooking to be done, email and phone calls to handle, paperwork and other routine things to be done.

It can be overwhelming. And typical time-management systems don’t help much — writing all tasks and appointments and errands in a planner or task or project-management software just makes you feel more overwhelmed, and you feel guilty when nothing goes as planned and you end the day with a to-do list even longer than when you started. So what’s a busy person to do?

Throw out the traditional systems and learn a more focused, yet free-flowing system that changes with the situation and doesn’t make you feel obligated to do everything on your list. Throw out your schedule and you’ll never feel guilty about not keeping it again. Does that mean you won’t get things done? Here’s how: Alarm Clock.