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Les bénéficiaires de Fonds européens. Infos, reportages, enquêtes et opinions. Europe For Peace. The terrorist attack that took place on November 13th in Paris is another act of violence against civilians, another act of violence against all Humanity.

Europe For Peace

It clearly shows that anyone and in any place in the world can become the victim of brutal violence powered by hatred, intolerance, discrimination, fanaticism and vengeance. This new massacre cannot be treated in isolation because it is connected to others of a similar nature; those carried out a few years ago in New York, London and Madrid, among others; nor can we say that these events are unrelated to the invasions and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria where the dead and those affected can be counted in the hundreds of thousands.

Today it is being demonstrated that the responses to these wars, mainly caused by western countries, cannot be limited to the conflict zones themselves because globalization means that these responses can appear in any point of the planet.

Les programmes Européens

Institutions. L'UE en bref - L'UE en diaporama. Outils. Actualité européenne. Sweden. Malte.