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Mummified Monk Found In Lotus Position. The mummified body of a Mongolian monk has been found in the lotus position, looking as though he's been meditating for the last 200 years.

Mummified Monk Found In Lotus Position

Very little information has been released about the find. Mongolia's Morning News reported: “Experts that only had time to carry [out] a basic visual test say they believe the body can be about 200 years old. So far there is no information as to where the body was found. The only details we learned was that it was covered with a cattle skin.” The find has sparked comparisons with Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, a Buryat Buddhist lama who died in 1927 at the age of 73. Buddhist scripture promotes concern for the soul over the body. The elimination of fat and moisture from the diet prior to death, along with consuming poisonous herbs and nuts, may suppress bacterial growth.

Below is a full view of the mummified monk in lotus position. Credit: 'Өглөөний сонин' H/T Dnews Read this next: Hubble Captures Image Of Galactic Merger. Wwf - Footprint calculator. | The ecological footprint calculator is not mobile or tablet compatible.

wwf - Footprint calculator

Read more about how you can change the way you live to reduce your footprint. | Australia's ecological footprint Australia has one of the world's largest ecological footprints per capita, requiring 6.25 global hectares per person. If the rest of the world lived like we do in Australia, we’d need the regenerative capacity of 3.6 Earths to sustain our demands on nature. We have been exceeding the Earth's ability to support our lifestyle.

And we can. Would you like to measure your ecological footprint to see how the way you live is impacting the planet and what you can do to reduce it? When Exploding Whales Goes Horribly Wrong. Yesterday we brought you the story of a blue whale that washed up on the shore of a small town in Canada.

When Exploding Whales Goes Horribly Wrong

The people in the town don’t have the resources to deal with the carcass properly, but aren’t getting any help from the federal government. Dead whales become grossly inflated from gas buildup as they decompose, so the clock is ticking as the people of Trout River decide what to do. Luckily, they have a perfect example of what NOT to do thanks to the town of Florence, Oregon who were faced with a similar situation in 1970.

Instead of dealing with the animal responsibly by popping it or dragging it back out to sea where scavengers could deal with the carcass, it was decided that the whale could be blasted out into the water using dynamite. The blast was planned to be strong enough to clear the whale from the beach while also vaporizing any stray whale bits that resulted in the explosion. Unfortunately, the amount of dynamite was not properly calculated and the result was quite messy. How Tsunamis Work.

Habitats and Food Chains

Dolphins & Porpoise. Rock Science. Virtual Volcano : Pompeii. What causes tornadoes? Americans know tornadoes like no one else.

What causes tornadoes?

The U.S. averages at least 10 times more twisters each year than any other country on Earth, and their intensity is infamous — the worst can be a mile wide, rotate at 300 mph and plow along at 70 mph. Yet despite being target practice for these atmospheric power drills, America's tornado mythos is still cloaked in mystery and misunderstanding. That's understandable, considering tornadoes' stealthy nature — sudden appearances, erratic behavior and brief lifespans make them elusive subjects to study — but science has nonetheless learned a lot in recent decades. Tornadoes can occur any time of year, but they wage all-out war on the U.S. during spring and summer. With another tornado season already ramping up, below is a guide to how tornadoes work, when and where to expect them, and what you can do to make it out alive. How tornadoes work Before a thunderstorm forms, winds begin quickly changing speed and direction.

Where and when tornadoes strike. Gallery Walk and Misconceptions. Global Warming / Climate Change. Global Warming Facts, Global Warming Information, Global Warming Questions, Quiz.