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Trou noir - Google. VEDIC SOCIETY - UTTARA BHADRAPADA. Ayurveda Ayurveda (Devanagari: आयुर्वेद ) or ayurvedic medicine is a form of alternative medicine in use primarily in the Indian subcontinent. The word "Ayurveda" is a tatpurusha compound of āyus "life" and veda "knowledge", and would roughly translate as the "Science of Life". Ayurveda deals with the measures of healthy living, along with therapeutic measures that relate to physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony. Ayurveda is also one among the few traditional systems of medicine involving surgery. Bhu Mata The ancient Vedic sages viewed the Earth[Bhu Matha - Mother Earth] as a divine goddess, a being who had feelings and consciousness, and who responded to our prayers and actions.

Eternal Truth Jyotish Jyotisha (jyotiṣa, in Hindi and English usage Jyotish) is the Hindu system of astrology, one of the six disciplines of Vedanta, and regarded as one of the oldest schools of ancient astrology to have had an independent origin, affecting all other schools in and around India. Teachers. Google.

Système Solaire

L'Etoile des Enfants. L'énigmatique formation des étoiles massives. Les étoiles massives, malgré leur petit nombre, jouent un rôle fondamental dans l'Univers.

L'énigmatique formation des étoiles massives

Comme leurs consœurs de faible masse, elles naissent de l'effondrement d'un nuage interstellaire, mais on ignore encore comment elles peuvent atteindre des dizaines de masses solaires. La découverte de disques d'accrétion autour de certaines d'entre elles éclaire leur formation. Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri 100 fois plus massive que le Soleil, Pismis 24-1, l’étoile la plus brillante de l’amas ci-dessus, est l’une des plus grosses étoiles connues à ce jour. © NASA /ESA / Jeniz mais apelanis L'auteur Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri est astrophysicien à l'Observatoire de Paris. Compléments A vec ses quelque 2 × 1027 tonnes – 300 000 fois la masse de la Terre – et une température de surface de 5 800 kelvins, le Soleil n'est jamais qu'une étoile naine qui fait pâle figure à côté de certains monstres cosmiques.

Les étoiles massives jouent un rôle de premier plan dans le cosmos.

Énergie sombre

Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System. + Play Audio | + Download Audio | + Join mailing list October 15, 2009: For years, researchers have known that the solar system is surrounded by a vast bubble of magnetism.

Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System

Called the "heliosphere," it springs from the sun and extends far beyond the orbit of Pluto, providing a first line of defense against cosmic rays and interstellar clouds that try to enter our local space. Although the heliosphere is huge and literally fills the sky, it emits no light and no one has actually seen it. Until now. NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft has made the first all-sky maps of the heliosphere and the results have taken researchers by surprise.

Above: IBEX's all-sky map of energetic neutral atom emission reveals a bright filament of unknown origin. "This is a shocking new result," says IBEX principal investigator Dave McComas of the Southwest Research Institute. Although the ribbon looks bright in the IBEX map, it does not glow in any conventional sense. Stay tuned for updates.