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Articles. English language game - make or do? Which word goes with which verb? ESL Quizzes - Make or Do? Make Do - Practice Make Do with interactive English exercises. Make - Do The difference between make and do For many English learners Make and Do is a difficult topic. It is difficult to know when which one is used. There are some general rules, but then there are also exceptions or sometimes the expression doesn’t fit in with any of the rules. When to use Make? Exceptions Make We don’t say to make damage, but TO DO DAMAGEWe don’t say to make a favour, but TO DO A FAVOUR When to use Do? Cases of Make and Do *The correct expression is to make a phone call”, but if you talk about it as a routine task you can say do. Esl blue(s): Do and Make. Make or do ? MAKE or DO? DO & MAKE - How to talk about housework in English. Common English Expressions with 'make' & 'do' DO vs MAKE - The Difference between Do and Make in English. Do and Make are two verbs which frequently confuse students.

Here we will learn about the difference between Do and Make and when to use each one. When do you use DO? DO is used as follows: 1. DO is used when talking about work, jobs or tasks. Note, they do not produce any physical object. Have you done your homework? 2. Hurry up! 3. Do I need to do my hair? Remember Do can also be as an auxiliary verb (for making questions in the present tense - Do you like chocolate?) When do you use MAKE? Make is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new.

It is also used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something. His wedding ring is made of gold. We also use Make for producing an action or reaction: Onions make your eyes water. You make before certain nouns about plans and decisions: He has made arrangements to finish work early. We use Make with nouns about speaking and certain sounds: She made a nice comment about my dress. Compare Do and Make. Grammar: Make - Do: List of examples. Difference between DO and MAKE – 60 common English collocations. DO for actions; MAKE for creating Do you know the difference between DO and MAKE? These two words can be confusing, but I’ll teach you the difference – and teach you 60 common collocations with example sentences to help you!

Basic Difference between DO and MAKE Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do.DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. For example, if you “make breakfast,” the result is an omelet! Common English Collocations with DO do the housework After I got home from the office, I was too tired to do the the laundry I really need to do the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left! EXCEPTION: make the bed = putting blankets, sheets, and pillows in the correct place so that the bed looks nice and not messy. do anything / something / everything / nothing Are you doing anything special for your birthday?

Related lessons: Make or Do. It can be hard to decide when to use 'make' or 'do' in English. Here's some help. 1: We use 'make' when we create or construct something. For example: She made a cake.I've made us some coffee.Did you really make those trousers? 2: We use 'do' for general activities. In this case, 'do' is often used with 'something', 'nothing', 'anything' or 'everything': What did you do at the weekend? I didn't do anything yesterday.She's fed up with doing everything herself. 3: There are many, many fixed expressions with 'make' and 'do'. Here's a list: (download this list in PDF). And click here for 'make' or 'do' exercise 1. Download this list in PDF. Do some exercises! Do or Make. Expressions with DO & MAKE.