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LightArrow's Productivity Articles

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Expand Knowledge Online. It’s true that you never stop learning.

Expand Knowledge Online

Every day of your life, something new crosses your path, even if you don’t realize it. It’s a natural part of being human to thirst for knowledge, to crave learning. Now the Internet makes it even easier to satisfy your curiosity and keep your minds sharp. Below are five ways you can expand your knowledge online. Free Online Courses Did you know that one of the most well-known colleges out there, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), puts all of their course material online… for free?

Advance Your Career While MIT offers their courses for free online to whoever has the desire to learn, it doesn’t offer certification for those free courses. edX takes online learning one step further. Protect Yourself On The Road Defensive driving isn’t just for soccer moms. Find Random Information There are a handful of sites out there that make their name by offering a nice, rounded collection of random bits of information. Take A Course On Literally Anything. This One Free App is All You Need to Manage Your Family's Calendar.

Seven Productivity Hacks for Getting Stuff Done. Whatever your profession, we all have moments when we hit that brick wall; those times when our productivity takes a sharp decline and it seems like nothing will get you through the rest of the work day.

Seven Productivity Hacks for Getting Stuff Done

Unfortunately, deadlines are coming, and you usually aren’t able to give it all up and take a nap instead. So what do you do when motivation is hard to come by? Here are some tips for getting stuff done, whether at work or at home. 1. Create more than just a to do list. It’s usually the first suggestion that anyone gives for getting stuff done, but to do lists only really work if you do them properly. 2. Many people talk about taking a break when you really aren’t feeling motivated for work, and while this is a good idea when you have been working hard the rest of the time or can get back to work after a short break, sometimes you are really avoiding something and if you do this, your whole life will turn into one giant break. 3. One such unproductive time is at the end of the day. Best Practices for Personal Task Management in LifeTopix. LifeTopix really shines when you’re taking on complex household projects or projects at the workplace.

Best Practices for Personal Task Management in LifeTopix

The Tasks + Projects topic of LifeTopix gives you the ability to create, organize, prioritize, track, and check off even your most complex projects and tasks in a streamlined, natural, and easy-to-understand way. You can create projects for any type of work you wish to complete, and your app also includes built-in projects for health and education.

For example, you can create a Health Project for losing 10 pounds or an Education Project for an item such as a Master’s thesis. It’s super easy to get going with a project, as shown below. Simply go to your main view and tap the plus sign and then tap Quick Add.Then, tap Project to add a new project.Name the project and tap Full Details.Complete any fields and add supporting information. GTD Basics – Methods for Reflecting and Weekly Reviews in LifeTopix. LifeTopix is an all-in-one productivity app for iPad and iPhone.

GTD Basics – Methods for Reflecting and Weekly Reviews in LifeTopix

We have many customers who follow David Allen’s Getting Things Done® (GTD) method and use LifeTopix to stay organized and productive. Many of these customers ask about the most efficient ways to use LifeTopix for GTD® and our best practices. GTD, LifeTopix, Reflecting and Weekly Reviews David Allen rewrote the “Getting Things Done” book for 2015 and beyond, which was originally published in 2001. In addition, LifeTopix has evolved since we first published the popular post, “Best Practices for Getting Things Done – Weekly Review” in 2013.

Small Business

GTD Basics - Methods for Capturing Items in LifeTopix. LifeTopix is an all-in-one productivity app for iPad and iPhone.

GTD Basics - Methods for Capturing Items in LifeTopix

We have many customers who follow David Allen’s Getting Things Done® (GTD) method and use LifeTopix to stay organized and productive. Many of these customers ask about the best ways to use LifeTopix for GTD® and our best practices. Today, we’re sharing tips for using LifeTopix to quickly capture ideas, to dos and other items that are in your head.

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Productivity Articles. Productivity Articles.