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Lecture. Flash. Science News. On Truth & Reality: Philosophy Physics Metaphysics of Space, Wave Structure of Matter. Famous Science Art Quotes. How to contact Ron Knott. Philosophy since the Enlightenment, by Roger Jones. Nature by numbers. The theory behind this movie. We can find interactive sites on the internet (like this) to draw points, move them, and check how the structure becomes updated in real time. In fact, if we have a series of random dots scattered in the plane, the best way of finding the correct Voronoi Telesación for this set is using the Delaunay triangulation. And in fact, this is precisely the idea shown on the animation: first the Delaunay Triangulation and then, subsequently, the Voronoi Tessellation.

But to draw a correct Delaunay Triangulation is necessary to meet the so-called “Delaunay Condition”. This means that: a network of triangles could be considered Delaunay Triangulation if all circumcircles of all triangles of the network are “empty”. Notice that actually, given a certain number of points in the plane there is no single way to draw triangles, there are many. You see that in the graph below, extracted from Wikipedia: Podéis verlo en la siguiente gráfica, extraída de la Wikipedia: